Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.06.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- High-tech to join the farming competition! The first time the unmanned aerial spraying has become... - 11:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Jen-Hsun Huang rozdal 20 kusů Titan V „CEO Edition“ - 12:00
- Co je to virtuální operátor a kolik jich na tuzemském mobilním trhu působí? - 10:58
- RECENZE: GeForce GT 1030 s DDR4 VRAM - 10:00
- Samsung mění strategii: s vlastními GPU zacílí na levnější smartphony - 08:00
- AMD: 7nm Epyc jsme navrhli jako konkurenta pro 10nm Xeony Ice Lake - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Astronomové našli téměř 80 exoplanet v rekordním čase - 17:50
- Uber má problém, řidička zřejmě před srážkou koukala na Hulu - 17:10
- Náklady na vývoj čipů prudce rostou, 3nm si bude moci dovolit málokdo - 16:50
- Modul NVIDIA G-Sync HDR přidá k ceně monitoru alespoň 500 dolarů - 16:00
- NVIDIA si u TSMC objednala 7nm GPU a poblahopřála Alanu Turingovi - 15:20
- Red Rover: hra s reálným povrchem Marsu - 13:50
- V TSMC začala komerční 7nm výroba čipů - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- T-Mobile FamilyMode helps parents control kids' screen time - 23:50
- Apple finally addresses its butterfly keyboard problem - 23:04
- All-in-one smart desk features three displays, integrated keyboard and more - 22:20
- Tesla's upcoming Semi truck could ship with a 'Mad Max' Autopilot mode - 21:45
- DARPA has autonomous driving technology that makes Uber's look stupid - 21:02
- Papa is the 'grandkids on-demand' app for senior citizens - 20:14
- Venmo is launching a physical, Mastercard-branded debit card with 'contactless' payment functiona... - 19:37
- GDDR6 memory enters volume production at Micron - 19:07
- New Tesla customers will be forced to pay for 'Premium' cellular internet connectivity after July 1 - 18:30
- United States will limit Chinese investment into tech businesses - 18:01
- Apple is developing high-end AirPods, two other enhanced audio accessories - 17:23
- Microsoft and Razer are working to bring mouse and keyboard support to the Xbox One - 16:54
- Google has added DRM to all Play Store apps - 16:20
- Facebook developing tool that shows how long you spend on the platform - 15:45
- Snapdragon 1000 could be used in desktop PCs, Hololens products, and Microsoft's Andromeda - 14:59
- Most console players prefer physical games over digital downloads - 14:03
- The US now officially has the world's fastest supercomputer, knocking China off the top spot - 13:07
- Productivity Booster: Enable 'Night Mode' on All Your Devices - 10:21

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Create Secured IoT Endpoints with the First 32-bit MCU to Feature Robust, Chip-level Security and... - 13:02
- Design Code Separately and Integrate Seamlessly with Dual-core dsPIC Digital Signal Controller - 11:40