Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.08.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- SF 11 Laser altimeter, an useful tool for agriculture purpose - 23:30
- FrSky Telemetry To DroidPlanner Mavlink through external Bluetooth - 18:30
- AeroPoints: new smart ground control points for easy survey grade drone data - 07:30
- PX4 running on Parrot Bebop - 07:25
- New anode doubles battery energy density - For "some drones" this November - 05:30
- Parrot announces Disco is available in September - 04:30
- INF Jupiter JM-1 Flight Controller - 04:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- PCIe 4.0 zvýší limit spotřeby na 300-500 wattů - 15:30
- Canon EOS 5D Mark IV dostal 30Mpix dual-pixel snímač a 4k video - 13:00
- Přišli jste o data? Stáhněte si i zdarma software od EaseUS a získejte je zpět - 12:00
- Mikrosnímek Pascalu GP100 prozradil zajímavou konfiguraci jádra - 10:30
- AMD rozdává Deus Ex: Mankind Divided k procesorům FX - 08:00
- Linuxový desktop po smrti Xfce a LXDE? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Geoinženýr chce zmírnit globální oteplování - 16:49
- Star Citizen: úžasných 50 minut z verze Alfa 3.0 - 15:18
- Designové Allienware nyní i s AMD Polaris - 14:20
- CM MasterMouse Pro L: modifikovatelná myš - 13:49
- Valve slaví své dvacetiny, aneb příběh jedné firmy a hry - 12:55
- Je Proxima Centauri b dosud neslibnější exoplaneta? - 11:58
- Linux slaví výročí – jak si vede? - 00:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazon Fire TV vs. Fire TV Stick: Which one should you get? - 23:00
- Apple is building a video sharing app, wants a cut of the social media pie - 22:00
- Amazon becomes an automotive repository with new Vehicles portal - 21:00
- The Mophie Powerstation XL can charge up to 8 smartphones in one go - 20:30
- Canon announces 5D Mark IV with built-in Wi-Fi, NFC, 4K video and more - 19:30
- Xiaomi unveils Redmi Note 4 at an unbelievable price point - 18:30
- NuTonomy's self-driving taxis hit Singapore streets, beating Uber in race to launch autonomous cabs - 17:30
- WhatsApp to start sharing more user data, including phone numbers, with Facebook - 16:30
- HP's built-in laptop privacy screen will stop nosy members of the public checking out your work - 15:30
- Google's data-saving Wi-Fi Assistant feature from Project Fi is coming to all Nexus devices - 14:30
- Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones' website hacked, explicit photos and personal information leaked - 13:15
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Benchmarked, Performance Review - 07:00
- AMD and Nvidia launch new game bundles for CPUs and GPUs - 03:08
- First Deus Ex: Mankind Divided patch addresses technical issues - 02:00
- How emotion influences human interaction with robots - 01:00
- Uber partners with Betterment on retirement options for drivers - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Refrigerator Cooled by Rubber Bands - 22:01
- Arduino Versus Logic: The Coil Gun War Continues - 20:30

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Applications for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress® - 16:30
- Optical Signals Applications for AWG70000A Series and SourceXpress®, Datasheet - 16:30