Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.09.2013 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazon představil možná nejlepší tablet. Má i vlastní operační systém - 15:02
- Hodně nerovný souboj. Neuvěřitelný snímek orla, který ulovil jelena - 12:30
- Tipy a triky pro Windows 8: Jak si podmanit dlaždice - 00:00
- OBRAZEM: Jak se vyrábějí pohodlnější vlaky pro české železnice - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GStreamer 1.2 s podporou WebP, JPEG2000 či Google VP9 - 15:18
- První testy AMD Curacao: ~10 % nad Radeonem HD 7870 - 13:51
- UMC hlásí zlepšení 28nm procesu, ulovila MediaTek - 12:20

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Velká soutěž s Gigabytem o sestavu od Stoobiho - 20:00
- Nové hvězdy na trhu – test chladičů od Raijinteku - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Samsung SSD 840 EVO: levný i výkonný - 02:00
- Valve odhalil SteamOS: chystá s NVIDIÍ PC konzoli? - 10:30
- Zalman připravil levné skříně série Z3 - 09:55
- Phobya představila skříň pro vodní chlazení - 09:20
- OCZ uvádí novou generaci podnikových SSD Deneva 2 - 09:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazon offers free offline instant videos to Prime members - 23:55
- YouTube launches royalty-free music library with 150 tracks - 23:00
- Target's 'Ticket' video service to compete with Wal-Mart and Best Buy - 22:00
- AMD reveals the Radeon R9 290X alongside new R7 and R9 GPU lines - 21:00
- AMD reveals the Radeon R9 290X, their next-generation GPU - 21:00
- Valve's Steam Box made official as 'Steam Machines', beta coming soon, final hardware in early 2014 - 20:00
- Samsung will showcase smartphone with curved glass next month - 19:00
- Roku refreshes line-up with slick new look, lower price point and M-Go integration - 18:15
- China to ease Internet ban in Shanghai free-trade zone - 17:30
- Next up for Nest Labs: A smoke detector? - 16:30
- Happy Birthday: Myst turns 20. Go turn a crank to celebrate - 15:30
- Cooler Master's nimble Cosmos SE arrives next month under $170 - 14:15
- Amazon's new Kindle Fire HDX tablets receive upgraded hardware all around, remote on-screen tech ... - 09:30
- iMessage comes to Android with third-party app, numerous security concerns - 01:30
- Arma 3 Tested, Benchmarked - 00:25
- Coming full circle: Crowdfunded book tells the stories of those behind Kickstarter's most success... - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- 3D Printering: Advances in 3D printing at Maker Faire - 22:00
- World Maker Faire 2013 Roundup - 19:00

Analog Devices - Mvorisek RSS
- ADSP-CM407F, ARM Cortex M4 Mixed-Signal Control Processor with Precision 16 bit ADCs in 24x24mm 1... - 04:42
- ADSP-CM402F, ARM Cortex M4 Mixed-Signal Control Processor with Precision 16 bit ADCs in 14x14mm 1... - 04:33
- ADSP-CM408F, ARM Cortex M4 Mixed-Signal Control Processor with High Precision 16 bit ADCs in 24x2... - 04:47
- ADSP-CM403F, ARM Cortex M4 Mixed-Signal Control Processor with High Precision 16 bit ADCs in 14x1... - 04:38

Fairchild Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Power Supply WebDesigner Adds Power Train Discrete Device Power Loss and Efficiency Analysis Tools - 14:00

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 60V Fault-Protected, 50mA Step-Down Charge Pump Provides Regulated Output with Input Current Doub... - 19:52

Maxim Integrated Products - Mvorisek RSS
- 2013-09-25: Save Space and Improve Image Quality in Ultrasound Equipment with Industry's Only Hig... - 02:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Calibration Service Plans - 16:30
- Single Source Calibration and Repair - 16:30
- High Availability Service Plan - 16:30
- Silver Care Packages - 16:30
- Gold Care Service Plan - 16:30