Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.09.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel Core nejsou, případně o třetinu zdražily - 12:00
- Test: Lenovo ThinkPad T480 s GeForce MX150 2GB - 10:00
- AMD zahájila prodej Athlonu 200GE, začíná na 1398 Kč - 08:00
- Intel zvyšuje kapacity na testování, nikoli na 14nm výrobu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Kontrola daní po řecku: místo účtenkovky kontrola drony - 19:43
- NVIDIA i AMD získávají pozitivní ohlasy analytiků - 17:30
- GeForce RTX 2080 se předvedla na suchém ledu - 16:30
- Chrome 69: čelní útok na naše soukromí? - 15:30
- Japonská Hayabusa-2 odhodila roboty na povrch asteroidu Ryugu - 14:40
- Video: Fotbaloví fanoušci protestovali proti eSports - 13:59

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Telltale's mass layoffs prompt class-action lawsuit alleging labor law violations - 23:30
- 'Epidural stimulation' is helping paralyzed spinal patients walk again - 22:43
- Tinder's newest feature empowers women to make the first move - 22:01
- Uber drivers can't pursue class-action lawsuits against the company, US court says - 21:14
- Google is rolling back its ban on cryptocurrency-related ads - 20:36
- Upcoming Twitter policy will ban 'dehumanizing' speech - 20:00
- TellTale Games co-founder says company was scuttled by a single backer - 19:34
- Mozilla officially launches Firefox Monitor following a full summer of testing - 19:00
- Qualcomm claims Apple stole trade secrets, gave them to Intel to improve modem chips - 18:28
- Opinion: Microsoft and partners evolve the modern enterprise desktop - 18:07
- Ming-Chi Kuo: iPhone XS Max is outselling the iPhone XS by a large margin - 17:34
- Instagram co-founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger are leaving the company - 17:01
- Total War: Rome 2 gets review bombed over female generals - 16:38
- Intel Stratix 10 programmable acceleration card offers enormous bandwidth and simplifies development - 16:02
- Apple and Salesforce are working towards more integration without properly fixing Siri - 15:25
- Handheld device inspired by Star Trek's Tricorder can help diagnose cancers and heart attacks - 14:48
- Spotify and Ancestry team up to create music playlists based on your DNA - 14:12
- Remove "3D Objects" and Other Shortcuts From Windows 10's File Explorer - 13:18
- Google is adding a slew of new features to Search - 12:26
- Zero-day exploit in Mojave lets hackers copy your private data - 01:16
- Microsoft Office 2019 launches for commercial customers - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Minimal Blinky Project Makes The Chip The Circuit Board - 22:00
- DIY Puff-Suck Interface Aims for Faster Text Input - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- New Digital Signal Controller (DSC) Accelerates DSP Performance for Time-Critical Control Applica... - 08:32