Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.10.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Interactive checklists and more with FlightZoomer Cockpit 3.1 - 23:01

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Kuo: Apple do 2-3 let převede první Macy na ARM SoC - 12:00
- Windows 10 1809 má další bug, který vás může připravit o data - 08:00
- G-Sync má problémy s SLI, výkon klesá o 13-64 % - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD ukončuje vývoj 32bitových grafických ovladačů - 15:00
- Western Digital ohlásil 15TB disk Ultrastar DC HC620 - 14:00
- Bluetooth 5 od Atmosic využije energii sbíranou z rádiových vln - 12:50
- Elon Musk splnil svůj slib, Tesla je v slušném zisku - 12:00
- Jak opravit Hubble? Vypnout, zapnout a zatřást - 12:00
- Akcie AMD prudce klesly v reakci na novou finanční zprávu - 11:20
- Lexar JumpDrive Fingerprint F35, USB klíčenka se čtečkou otisků prstů - 02:05
- Firefox 63 zlepšil blokování sledovacích cookie a nabízí placenou VPN - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- CompUSA returns, but not as you remember it - 23:47
- Cathay Pacific waited seven months to announce a data breach today - 22:53
- Red Dead Redemption 2 runs best on Xbox One X - 22:07
- Updated Android contract reportedly requires phone makers to roll out regular security updates - 21:25
- Red Dead Redemption 2 review round-up: Rockstar's horse opera will be the best game you play this... - 20:49
- UK regulator fines Facebook £500K for failure to protect users' personal information - 20:06
- Fox News is launching its 'Fox Nation' streaming service on November 27 - 19:35
- Red Dead Redemption 2 Review - 18:56
- Facebook is developing a standalone music video app for teens called Lasso - 18:22
- Steam now enjoys 90 million monthly active users - 17:05
- Twitter loses another 9 million users but has more human activity - 16:40
- Western Digital pushes boundaries with a 15TB Ultrastar hard drive - 16:02
- Samsung sues Russian brand ambassador for $1.6 million after she was caught using an iPhone X on TV - 15:28
- AMD stock falls 22% on back of missed Q3 targets, disappointing Q4 outlook - 15:04
- GrayKey password cracking tool reportedly blocked by Apple - 14:27
- China and Russia are reportedly eavesdropping on Trump's phone calls - 13:59
- Add Tabs to File Explorer and Other Applications Ahead of Windows 10's "Sets" Feature - 13:02
- Microsoft says it is expanding Xbox Game Pass to the PC - 12:25
- How to: A Beginner's Guide to the Linux Command Line - 08:14
- Battlefield V's battle royale mode won't arrive until March 2019 - 00:01

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Looks Like a Glove, Plays Like a Musical Instrument - 20:30
- What Can The Blockchain Do For You? - 19:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS