Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.01.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Nice Post about Ardupilot on Open Source Electronics Blog - 20:37
- Emlid Reach RS: field-ready RTK GNSS receiver for only $699 - 20:23
- Logging Event Mark (Precis-BX316) - Demo - 18:00
- Top 10 Myth's & Misconceptions about FAA Part 107 - 14:27

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- HP stahuje přes sto tisíc vadných baterií pro notebooky - 15:30
- Windows Game Mode nebude jen pro UWP - 13:00
- Hollywood letos vydá 250 filmů na UltraHD Blu-ray discích - 10:30
- V Kalifornii využívají virtuální realitu jako anestetikum - 08:00
- Streaming v roce 2016 vůbec poprvé vydělal víc než prodej filmů na DVD a Blu-ray - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: QNAP TVS-471: Core i3 pod kapotou - 01:00
- Vědci se pokoušejí pomocí virtuální reality zmírnit strach ze smrti - 17:38
- Tides of Numenera: nástupce Planescape: Torment se blíží - 13:15
- Wine 2.0 přichází s podporou Office 2013 nejen pro Linux - 12:32
- Resident Evil 7 a test výkonu grafických karet - 12:02
- Samsung zachránila výroba čipů, vynahradila i katastrofu s Note 7 - 11:30
- Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass nyní s francouzskou armádou - 11:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Chrome 56 is out: Offers faster and leaner page reloads - 23:30
- Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Review - 23:09
- Facebook boosts account security with USB key support - 21:45
- How would you delete a stubborn file that won't budge? - 21:00
- Marvel, Square Enix announce multi-year, multi-game partnership starting with a new 'Avengers' game - 20:15
- These flexible screens will lead to curvier, tougher smartphone displays - 19:32
- Verizon reportedly mulling acquisition of Charter Communications - 18:45
- Researchers find that many Android VPNs are security hazards, reveal the ten worst offenders - 17:45
- Gmail will block JavaScript file attachments starting next month - 17:00
- Trump is reportedly still using his old, unsecured Android handset - 16:00
- Dell has launched a new 86" 4K monitor, and it's a touchscreen, too - 15:00
- Facebook overhauls entire Trending Topics section, removing personalization while fighting fake news - 14:00
- Hugo Barra leaves Xiaomi to lead Facebook's VR efforts - 13:00
- University fined after students consume single dose of caffeine equal to 300 cups of coffee - 12:15
- Google took down 1.7 billion bad ads in 2016, banned nearly 200 publishers over misleading content - 01:30
- Vertu's new Constellation smartphone is loaded with lavish amenities - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Add Broken Tool Detection to Your CNC Mill - 22:00
- PCB Design Guidelines to Minimize RF Transmissions - 19:01