Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.01.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nvidia přestává rozlišovat Max-Q grafiky? Omyl, reálně je nerozlišuje roky - 12:00
- APU Cezanne podporuje nezávislé napětí procesorových jader a GPU - 08:00
- Druhý mainstreamový Rocket Lake / Core i5-11500 otestován - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak naštvat hráče? Narvat šest RTX 3080 do kufru BMW a těžit tam kryptoměny - 18:55
- Detaily o AMD Cezanne: APU z 10,78 mld. tranzistorů - 16:50
- AMD Nashira Summit v testu: jde už o RDNA 3? - 16:20
- Plánuje Samsung výstavbu továrny na čipy v Texasu? - 14:40
- Gelsinger slíbil návrat starých časů velkého Intelu - 14:04
- Erupce magnetaru odhalila tajemství těchto divokých hvězd - 12:50
- SpaceX vyslala v jedné raketě na orbitu rekordních 143 satelitů - 12:20
- Modder si napojil RTX 3090 na slot M.2 v notebooku, jaký má výkon? - 11:35

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Researchers are working on a chess-playing AI that emulates human-level skill - 23:11
- Foundries look to GAAFET for new process nodes beyond 3 nm - 22:24
- Apple puts veteran engineer in charge of a "new project" - 21:47
- GameStop stock hits record high (again!) as Reddit group causes mayhem - 21:30
- Major internet connectivity issues hit regions in northeastern US - 21:13
- Google's 'FLoC' API could be a privacy-preserving alternative to cookies - 20:36
- YouTube has paid out more than $30 billion to content creators over the past three years - 20:10
- The first Sega Saturn devkits were super long - 19:11
- Kickstarter raised a record $730 million last year, despite the lowest number of campaign launche... - 18:50
- US households are spending close to $50 a month on streaming - 18:14
- 2021 is shaping up to be a big year for automotive tech - 17:10
- Capcom hopes you'll pay $1,500 for Chris Redfield's coat - 16:38
- Verizon rolls out 5G access to prepaid customers, starting at $75 per month - 16:15
- Apple and Google sued by ex-ambassador over failure to remove Telegram from app stores - 15:34
- AMD Ryzen 9 5980HS Review: Zen 3 for Laptops - 15:00
- Over 500 million Facebook users' phone numbers are for sale through a Telegram bot - 12:37
- This company will pay you $41,000 to play games for a year - 11:16
- Grab the Corsair K95 RGB Platinum for just $109 - 01:56