Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.01.2023

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Testy Apple M2 Pro a Max ukazují zvýšený grafický výkon - 18:28
- AI ChatGPT by zvládla zkoušku MBA, Microsoft zvyšuje své investice - 15:30
- Mobilní GeForce RTX 4090 v testu: RTX 3080 Ti v DLSS překoná 2,4násobně - 13:30
- Finanční výsledky Tesly: další rekord, na problémy to nevypadá - 10:07
- Intel Xeon Scalable nabízí výrazný 44% nárůst výkonu s AVX-512 - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Japanese chip company plans 2nm prototype production by 2025 - 23:34
- Hackers used legitimate remote help-desk tools to scam multiple US federal agencies - 22:04
- Not even the holiday rush could help the smartphone market - 21:20
- CryptoAPI bug makes 99% of Windows servers vulnerable - 20:26
- Retro-inspired Raspberry Pi headset reimagines 90s virtual reality - 19:50
- Defense contractor confirms it doesn't discriminate against War Thunder players - 18:36
- 21 Programs to Analyze and Benchmark Your Hardware - 18:18
- Forza Motorsport is coming later this year to PC, Xbox Series, and Game Pass - 17:39
- Wine 8.0 is now available with all around improvements - 17:09
- First AI-powered robot lawyer won't be used in court due to jail threats - 16:16
- Shutterstock now offers AI image creation using DALL-E technology - 15:25
- Creator of $2,000 Steam game says don't buy it if you can't afford it - 13:47
- Microsoft is preparing to overhaul Windows 11 File Explorer - 12:15
- Scientists create robot that can alternate between solid and liquid states - 11:20

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Casting Custom Resin Buttons for the Steam Deck - 22:00
- ADS-B Exchange Sells Up, Contributors Unhappy - 20:30