Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.03.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel pohřbil Compute Card - 12:00
- Nokia 7 plus odesílá osobní data do Číny - 10:00
- S 3D tiskárnou si vyhrajete a ještě ušetříte. Nač kupovat, co můžete vytisknout? - 08:00
- Jen na čipsetu X570 postaví Asus 12 modelů desek pro Ryzen 3000 - 08:00
- Konečně pořádný headset za rozumnou cenu? Omrkněte dva modely od KOTION - 08:00
- Nvidia: Výrobu 7nm čipů jsme neobjednali, nepřinášejí žádné výhody - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Konec dnešního Internetu je zde, poslanci EU schválili Články 11 a 13 - 15:35
- MIT zlepšilo lithium-sírové baterie, nyní jsou menší - 13:10
- YouTube mění strategii, méně vlastního obsahu a více hudby a her - 12:50
- Hackeři ovládli Live Update firmy Asus a rozeslali na počítače backdoory - 11:30
- Intel chystá Core 9. generace s novým steppingem, Asus už má nové BIOSy - 10:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- FTC launches probe into the privacy practices of several broadband providers - 23:15
- Nvidia claims Anthem's new DLSS support can boost performance by "up to 40 percent," but... - 22:27
- European Parliament narrowly votes in its divisive Copyright Directive - 21:42
- McDonald's latest acquisition will bring AI to the drive thru - 20:59
- EA lays off 350 employees to 'refine' itself and 'meet the needs' of players - 20:13
- European Union votes to end daylight saving time in 2021 - 19:47
- Tracking the life cycle of giant storms on Neptune - 19:25
- Grab a free copy of Morrowind to celebrate 25 years of The Elder Scrolls - 18:52
- Amazon's one-day PC gaming sale offers up to half off on nearly 30 products - 17:50
- Opinion: Apple Card highlights disruption potential for tech industry - 17:19
- Sony has sold 4.2 million PlayStation VR headsets since launch - 16:42
- Latest GeForce driver optimizes Battlefield V: Firestorm and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 16:27
- Xiaomi's 100W charger can juice a battery from zero to 100% in 17 minutes - 15:32
- Apple iTunes 12.9.4 includes numerous security improvements - 14:57
- Nvidia is done buying other businesses for now - 14:38
- Scientists blend iPhone to show the rare elements it contains - 14:08
- Samsung issues earnings warning in wake of falling chip prices and OLED demand - 13:12
- MSI GS75 Stealth Review: A beastly gaming laptop - 12:12
- Energizer's 18,000mAh phone has just three Indiegogo backers so far - 11:20
- Beneath a Steel Sky sequel out later this year - 10:40
- No Man's Sky to get full VR support in big Beyond update - 00:05

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- How To Build A Mill With Epoxy - 21:00