Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.05.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Těšte se na AMD Kyzen. Zatím ale není jasné, co to bude - 16:00
- Intel uvolní specifikaci rozhraní Thunderbolt světu - 14:00
- GeForce MX se vrací, tentokrát jako MX150 - 12:00
- AOC AGON AG251FG umí s G-Sync 1440p/120Hz i 1080p/240Hz - 10:00
- Intel předvedl Cascade Lake, přespříští generaci Xeonů - 08:00
- Tak si tak říkám, že můj příští smartphone bude od Apple - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Astronomové mohli pozorovat vznik nové černé díry - 13:45
- AMD Kyzen, Aragon, Pharos či Promethean: co se pod nimi skrývá? - 12:25
- NVIDIA vytvořila novou generaci Battleboxů - 11:52

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 'Overwatch' is free to play this holiday weekend - 22:45
- How to Merge and Remove Duplicate Contacts in Android - 21:45
- Rockstar shares details of upcoming "Gunrunning" update for 'GTA Online' - 21:00
- Bug in Windows 7 and 8.1 allows maliciously coded websites to crash the OS - 20:00
- Nvidia updates GeForce GTX Battlebox program with two new configurations - 19:15
- Here's your first look at 'Far Cry 5' - 18:00
- Disney says Pirates of the Caribbean hack was a hoax - 17:00
- Raspberry Pi joins forces with CoderDojo to get more young people into computing - 16:00
- Check out this $12,000 hourglass created by one of Apple's designers - 15:00
- Silicon Valley renewed for another season, but fan favorite T.J. Miller is leaving the show - 14:00
- Bosch launches its miniature chainsaw - 13:15
- AmazonFresh Pickup is now open to Prime members in Seattle - 00:45
- Tesla's Model 3 will reportedly do 0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hackaday Prize Entry: LiFePO4wered/Pi+ - 20:30
- The Tri Rotor Drone: Why Has It Been Overlooked? - 19:00
- Nintoaster: The Next Generation - 17:30
- Embed With Elliot: LIN is for Hackers - 16:01