Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.07.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD uvádí Enhanced Sync, Chill pro DX12 a latence snížené až o 50 ms - 23:00
- Dell UltraSharp U3818DW - 38 palců IPS s rozlišením 3840×1600 - 15:30
- Co dalšího vypadne z Windows 10 s Fall Creators Update? - 13:00
- AMD také neotevře svůj Secure Processor - 10:30
- Procesorový inženýr Intelu po 20 letech odchází - 08:00
- Klesá podíl Firefoxu, neboť Google zneužívá monopolního postavení? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Phanteks Enthoo Evolv Shift: elegantní skříně pro moderní byt - 15:00
- Argentinská žena může opět normálně dýchat díky průdušnici vyrobené 3D tiskem - 14:43
- AMD ohlásilo nové finanční výsledky, Ryzen se konečně projevil - 14:40
- Adobe sprovodí ze světa Flash plugin do roku 2020 - 13:30
- USB 3.0 Promoter Group ohlašuje specifikace vícelinkové verze 3.2 - 13:10
- AMD RX Vega vyfocena a otestována v 3DMarku - 12:40
- Roboti od LG pomohou cestujícím na letišti v Soulu - 01:57

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple and Cochlear partner to make iPhone compatible hearing implant - 23:15
- Amazon planning massive career fair to hire 50,000 employees - 22:30
- Google abandons instant search as mobile dominates - 21:45
- TVAddons domains transferred to law firm, could spy on Kodi users watching pirated material - 21:15
- Corsair confirms majority stake sold to private equity firm for $525 million - 21:14
- Be the mastermind behind your own wars with Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator - 20:45
- Waze finally available on Android Auto - 20:15
- Strong Switch sales boost Nintendo's quarterly earnings - 19:30
- EVGA after title of most powerful graphics card with overclocked GTX 1080 Ti 'Kingpin' edition - 18:30
- The UK plans to ban the sale of fossil fuel-powered vehicles by 2040 - 18:00
- Kaspersky Labs rolls out free antivirus software - 17:15
- Before emerging as the iconic Grand Theft Auto, what was the game going to be called? - 17:00
- India wants to ban self-driving cars to prevent job losses - 16:30
- Opinion: The value of limits - 16:00
- Ryzen sales help AMD to better-than-expected quarterly results - 15:00
- Razer introduces two new analog gaming headsets - 14:00
- Apple ordered to pay University of Wisconsin $506 million for chip patent infringement - 13:15
- Adobe accidentally leaks an early version of Nimbus, a cloud-based photo editor - 08:00
- Toyota is developing a long-range, fast-charging electric car that'll use solid-state batteries - 02:00
- Trump says Apple is building three "big" and "beautiful" plants in the United States - 01:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Power Bank Controller with USB Type-C & Quick Charge™ 3.0 for 1-Cell Li-Ion and Li-Poly Battery - 09:54
- Interline Transfer CCD, Image Sensor, 29 MP - 09:53