Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.07.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Project Log 6: Returning an autonomous glider from the stratosphere | Building a Flight Controller 2 - 00:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- „Xeony vládly. To i dinosauři.“ Reklamy na Epyc ukazují slabiny Xeonů [anketa] - 12:00
- Bleskový výprodej! Kvalitní 3D tiskárna za pár stovek, stihněte poslední kusy - 11:00
- Návod: Oprava „Clicking of Death“ na Lenovo C540 All-In-One PC - 10:00
- Core i9-9900K: 8 jader, 16 vláken, až 5 GHz a 95W TDP - 08:00
- Vyšlo NetBSD 8.0 a přináší zejména záplaty na Spectre a Meltdown - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Vzorky procesorů Rome naznačují, že příští Ryzeny mohou mít 16 jader - 20:30
- AMD jede, příjmy vzrostly o 53 % a společnost je v solidním zisku - 17:48
- Vědci ukládají data pomocí atomů vodíku, 1000× hustěji než na HDD - 15:17
- Výrobci aut v EU už zase podvádí, nyní uvádí vyšší emise - 14:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- HipChat and Stride will be discontinued following Slack acquisition - 23:40
- Fortnite for Android reportedly launching as a Galaxy Note 9 exclusive - 23:11
- Apple shipped out 3.5 million smartwatches during Q2 2018, report claims - 22:29
- Top Instagram influencer commands $1 million per post - 21:39
- Windows 10 will soon use AI to predict the best time to reboot for updates - 20:54
- Hulu shares trailer for The First, a drama about the first manned mission to Mars - 20:27
- GOG's version of No Man's Sky is missing multiplayer - 19:51
- Amazon's controversial 'Rekognition' facial recognition tech identifies 28 lawmakers as criminals... - 19:31
- Samsung mass producing more efficient memory chips to improve smartphone battery life - 19:00
- Qualcomm terminates NXP bid after failing to gain approval from China - 18:25
- Google's "Shielded VMs" protect cloud servers from tampering - 17:53
- Spotify hits 83 million paid subscribers, 180 million monthly active users - 17:20
- Qualcomm says Apple won't use its modems in the next iPhones - 16:55
- Google deploys free Wi-Fi to Nigeria so it can show ads to more people - 16:36
- Some people are still using the Galaxy Note 7 - 16:12
- Samsung develops unbreakable display and receives UL certification - 15:44
- First of three Galaxy Note 9 teaser videos focuses on improved battery life - 15:19
- Facebook stock falls 24 percent following report of slow user growth - 14:48
- AMD posts strong second quarter earnings and is aiming to beat competition at 7nm - 14:02
- We Test a $1,000 CPU From 2010 vs. Ryzen 3 - 13:25
- YouTuber MKBHD gets hands-on time with the Asus ROG phone - 12:37
- Back to School Tech Guide 2018 - 07:08

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- An MRI-Safe 3D Printed Pneumatic Stepper Motor - 22:00
- Bringing Augmented Reality to the Workbench - 20:30