Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.08.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- VR Rover : ArduRover + VR Brain 5.2 + Companion Computer + Velodyne Puck Lite. Outdoor autonomou... - 21:30
- Raspberry PI 0 as DVB-S encoder and trasmitter no additional hardware. by Evariste - 14:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- SparkyLinux 4.4 kombinuje Debian Testing s LXDE, LXQt, MATE či Xfce - 15:30
- PlayStation 4 Slim působí chudě, neumí ani 4k, ani HDR - 13:00
- Fujifilm X-A3 nabízí 24Mpix bayera za dobrou cenu - 10:30
- Nvidia odhaluje SoC Tegra / Parker, spojuje Denver 2 a Pascal - 08:00
- ADATA uvedla SSD Ultimate SU800 s 3D NAND flash - 00:00
- Vy ještě doma regulujete teplotu otáčením kohoutku radiátoru? - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Wolfe: naděje nejen pro uživatele Maců na silnější grafiku - 17:08
- IBM chce s Power 9 zvrátit nadvládu Intelu - 16:00
- Duke Nukem 3D oslavil 20 let, bude remaster? - 15:45
- Intel SSD 600p Series: mainstreamová SSD pro M.2 a PCIe - 14:05
- Vývojáři radši Vive než Oculus, ale bojí se potíží a cen - 13:32

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Check out 15 minutes of Vampyr, an action RPG from the maker of Life is Strange - 23:45
- Panasonic and Sony to co-develop 8K TV tech ahead of 2020 Olympics - 22:45
- The winners of the first beauty contest judged using AI have been revealed - 21:45
- Apple may take a proactive approach with future iPhone theft - 20:45
- Earn an in-demand tech certification with this Microsoft MCSA Server 2012 training - 20:15
- Leaked benchmarks reveal an HTC 10-like device, likely at a cheaper price - 19:15
- Man believes he can destroy the internet before embarrassing photos appear online - 18:15
- Dropbox is making some users reset their passwords - 17:30
- Intel refreshes SSD line-up with 3D NAND memory - 16:30
- Garmin's high-end Fenix Chronos GPS smartwatch mixes fitness features with luxury style - 15:30
- James Dyson wants to reinvent lithium-ion batteries - 14:30
- Google now lets you play solitaire and tic-tac-toe directly in its search results - 13:15
- Correction: PCIe 4.0 won't support up to 300 watts of slot power - 02:00
- Rare iOS spyware caught in the wild exploiting three zero-day flaws - 01:00
- Duke Nukem 20th anniversary re-release appears to be in order - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Shop-built Inspection Camera Lends Optical Help on a Budget - 22:01
- Interactive Dynamic Video - 20:30
- Books You Should Read: The Soul of A New Machine - 19:01
- Intel Makes A Cool Robot Brain In Latest Attempt to Pry Hackers From Their Wallets - 17:31