Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.08.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Haiku OS má prvního placeného vývojáře na plný úvazek - 14:00
- Gigabytu explodují mosfety ve zdrojích, problém připouští jen částečně - 10:00
- GeForce RTX 3000 Super budou o 5-10 % rychlejší než současné modely - 08:00
- Vzorek 65W Core i7-12700 (Alder Lake) v GeekBench dorovnává Ryzen 7 5700G - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Celkový hashrate těžby Bitcoinu i Etherea prudce roste - 23:00
- Alder Lake mají také nabídnout verze F bez integrované grafiky - 22:20
- Těžební XFX Navi 21 je na světě - 15:35
- Dark Energy Camera objevila dosud nejrychlejší známý asteroid - 14:40
- Milan-X se opět objevil: EPYC se 64 jádry a V-Cache - 13:25
- Vědci vytvořili Li-Metal akumulátor s 560 Wh/kg a vysokou životností - 13:08
- WD má velký zájem o Kioxii, může vzniknout flashový gigant - 13:00
- Přijde GeForce RTX 3090 SUPER s plným GA102 a 400W TDP? - 12:20
- TSMC opět zdraží, ovlivní ceny CPU a GPU od AMD? - 11:50
- Doporučené PC sestavy: srpen 2021 - 02:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft's 'very' limited edition Halo Infinite Xbox Series X is already impossible to get at a ... - 23:27
- Hacker claims responsibility for T-Mobile breach in WSJ interview, says carrier has 'awful' security - 22:44
- The smartwatch industry is now 27 percent bigger than it was a year ago - 22:13
- Netflix gaming kicks off in Android mobile app... if you're in Poland - 21:39
- The Rock teams up with JBL and Under Armour on a pair of over-ear sports headphones - 21:07
- Gamescom roundup: All the must-see trailers from Opening Night Live - 20:38
- Reddit moderators' open letter asks the administration to take action against Covid-19 misinforma... - 20:10
- Nintendo designer responsible for NES and SNES retires after nearly 39 years - 19:02
- Google could pay Apple nearly $15 billion this year to remain the default search engine on iOS - 18:30
- Biden Administration, private tech companies reveal initiatives to boost national cybersecurity i... - 17:18
- Early benchmarks show how Intel's Core i9-12900K is coming after the Ryzen 9 5950X's performance ... - 16:44
- Amazon's New World gets an open beta next month; check out the latest trailer - 15:55
- Alphabet's Wing on track to reach 100,000 drone delivery milestone by the end of this month - 15:17
- All Samsung TVs have a remote kill switch to disable stolen sets, and the company just used it - 14:42
- Possible AMD mining card with Navi 21 GPU spotted - 13:58
- Must Have VR Games: Fun and Immersive Experiences - 13:08
- The baby from Nirvana's 1991 Nevermind album is suing the band over alleged child pornography - 12:15
- Western Digital reportedly in advanced talks to merge with Kioxia - 02:13
- South Korea may bar Google and Apple from forcing app developers to use their payment systems - 00:28

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Ferrofluid Display Gets New, Better Driver Circuitry - 22:01
- Universal Bio-Electrical Signal Amplifier Makes Reading Body Signals Easy - 20:30