Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.08.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- LG uvedlo 45" zahnutý herní monitor UltraGear OLED 45GR95QE - 22:24
- Akumulátory z hliníku a síry slibují 1/6 cenu proti Li-Ion i vyšší bezpečnost - 21:09
- Reklamace SSD Samsungu s citlivými daty? Zákazník měl SSD provrtat nebo rozmlátit - 19:00
- Nvidia uvádí své CPU Grace se 72 jádry ARMv9 - 17:38
- Finanční výsledky Nvidie: propad divize Gaming má ještě pokračovat - 14:43

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Hackers are using Genshin Impact's anti-cheat software in ransomware to kill antivirus processes - 23:22
- Valve's marketing booklet confirms a Steam Deck 2 is inevitable - 22:49
- NASA detects carbon dioxide on a planet outside of our solar system for the first time - 21:37
- HP's new 5K ultrawide AIO PC is featured packed, can be upgraded to powerful specs - 20:36
- T-Mobile will use Starlink satellites to blanket the US with text coverage - 19:49
- The end of Moore's law forced YouTube to make its own video chip - 18:15
- Best Privacy-First Cloud Storage Services - 17:34
- Is Amazon about to acquire EA? Nobody seems to know for certain - 16:41
- LastPass says it was hacked, tells users not to worry - 14:49
- Ubisoft reveals Skull & Bones PC system requirements and features, including XeSS, DLSS, and FSR - 13:57
- Tesla sends cease-and-desist to CEO behind video of its cars hitting child-size mannequins - 13:17
- Microsoft won't follow Sony in raising the price of its consoles -- for now - 12:15
- Apple's upcoming Lockdown Mode will make devices easier to fingerprint - 01:21

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Guide To 3D Printing Model Aircraft Wings - 22:00
- Bit-Banged Ethernet On The Raspberry Pi Pico - 20:30