Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.09.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Using GPIO pin for power OFF on Raspberry Pi - 08:30
- Space Invaders with drones - 07:29
- Antenna Tracking - Initial Testing - 05:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- ABB v kabelovém byznysu končí - 07:07

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Google Pixel vypadá jako iPhone, neliší se ani cenou - 15:30
- Nástupcem Zen APU Raven Ridge bude 7nm Gray Hawk, přijde roku 2019 - 13:00
- Sony a99 Mark II je nejlepší „D-SLR“ s bajonetem Minolta A - 10:30
- GlobalFoundries cílí se 7nm procesem na rok 2018 - 08:00
- Olympus odhalil E-M1 Mark II, novou vlajkovou loď - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Falcon 9 vybuchl kvůli porušení héliové nádrže - 21:40
- Autonomní vozidlo Googlu se zapletlo do zatím asi největší nehody - 18:30
- SpaceX vyzkoušelo Raptor, motor pro mise na Mars - 16:15
- AMD Zen Plus: 7nm APU Gray Hawk přijde v roce 2019 - 15:36
- Twitter nejspíše hledá, kdo by jej mohl koupit - 14:22
- Šestá Civilizace se blíží, co budeme potřebovat? - 14:00
- NVIDIA chystá 75W GeForce GTX 1050 a 1050 Ti - 13:50
- SSD pro PCIe mají před sebou světlou budoucnost plnou růstu - 13:09

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft's Project Catapult is why Intel bought FPGA-maker Altera for $16.7 billion last year - 23:45
- Plex teams with Amazon to run its media server from the cloud - 22:45
- One in three adults are now waking up in the middle of the night to check their phone - 21:45
- Get a lifetime of SaferVPN now for just $49 - 21:15
- YouTuber convinces people that drilling a hole in their iPhone 7 will reveal hidden headphone jack - 20:15
- 'World War Z' author is writing the first Minecraft novel - 19:15
- Roku takes aim at Chromecast with new streaming media players starting at $30 - 18:15
- China flips the switch on FAST, the world's largest extraterrestrial-seeking radio telescope - 17:30
- Latest Galaxy S8 rumors: 4K display, powerful GPU, 4200 mAh battery, 30 MP camera - 16:30
- Krebs on Security saved by Google after one of the largest DDoS attacks in history - 15:30
- Snapchat changes its name and launches smart glasses with buit-in camera - 14:30
- Porn site's facial recognition tech finds camgirls who resemble people you know - 13:15
- The Ludicrous Graphics Test: Dual GTX Titan SLI for 4K and Triple Monitor Gaming - 07:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Seeking Treachery in a Questionably Sourced Phone - 22:00
- All Your Displays Are Belong to Us - 20:31

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Introduces the Industry’s Smallest-Package and Lowest-Power MEMS Oscillators in DSC6000... - 14:06

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Tektronix Boosts Video QoE Monitoring Scalability, Efficiency and Reliability - 16:30
- Sentry Verify™ Premium Video Quality Monitors Datasheet - 16:30
- Sentry® Premium Video Quality Monitors Datasheet - 16:30