Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.09.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce RTX 2070 koupíte 17. října - 12:00
- Stačí Athlon 200GE pro nenáročné hraní? - 08:00
- 12nm Polaris 30 prý dorazí v říjnu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Německo vyzkoušelo první autonomní tramvaj - 19:00
- Gigabyte ukázal vyladěné karty Aorus RTX 20 Xtreme - 18:30
- Firefox Monitor ohlídá naše online účty, zda nebyly hacknuty - 16:22
- Qualcomm obviňuje Apple z vyzrazení obchodních tajemství Intelu - 15:50
- Zhaoxin ukázal 8jádrový procesor x86 vyráběný 16nm technologií - 14:50
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 přijde na trh 17. října, co nabídne? - 13:50
- Podpora klávesnic a myší na Xbox One přijde brzy - 12:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Bethesda confirms that Fallout 76 won't support cross-play - 23:25
- Oculus is working on true mixed reality for the Quest headset - 22:40
- Telltale's final season of The Walking Dead has been pulled from digital storefronts - 21:53
- Oculus Quest, Facebook's standalone VR headset, launches next spring for $399 - 21:24
- Why Xbox Game Pass is the future of gaming - 20:51
- Swedish ad regulator says the 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme is sexist to men and women - 20:15
- New difficulty modes and Ansel support come to Vampyr - 19:44
- Circle launches the USDC, a dollar-backed stablecoin - 19:20
- Doom II mod begs the question, what other classics would be ideal for battle royale? - 18:45
- Castlevania Requiem will deliver two classics exclusively to PlayStation 4 - 18:17
- Sony is finally enabling full Fortnite crossplay on PS4 - 17:54
- Former Facebook content moderator says job gave her PTSD, sues company - 17:35
- PlayStation and Xbox controllers most popular among Steam gamers - 17:03
- Google admits to flaws in maintaining consumer privacy to Senate committee - 16:28
- Working Apple I computer goes for $375,000 at auction - 15:56
- Fan-made Spyro game hit with cease and desist letter from Activision's lawyers - 15:23
- $1249 iPhone XS Max costs Apple $443 to make - 14:40
- Microsoft announces plans to bring mouse and keyboard support to the Xbox One - 14:10
- Chrome 70 will let users opt out of auto sign-in feature, delete Google cookies - 13:23
- Nvidia is ready to ship the RTX 2070 on October 17 - 04:32
- Watch this Super Mario speedrunner achieve a time that is supposed to be impossible - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS