Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.09.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NASA se už za pár hodin pokusí nárazem sondy odklonit asteroid v misi DART - 21:07
- SpaceX vyrobil už milion terminálů pro Starlink, přenosové rychlosti ale klesají - 20:07
- Nerezová ocel 17-4 PH vyrobená 3D tiskem už může být srovnatelná s tradiční - 12:28
- Mercedes-Benz prezentoval elektrický eActros LongHaul s 600kWh baterií - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Upcoming GeForce RTX 4090 is so fast Blizzard had to increase Overwatch 2's FPS cap - 23:37
- AV1 codec version 3.5 greatly improves CPU encoding performance - 21:41
- Netflix is building its own game studio in Finland - 20:57
- The popular 'Dynamic Island' iPhone 14 Pro feature is now available on Android - 20:13
- Lego announces 6,187-piece Mandalorian Razor Crest set - 19:38
- House of the Dragon beats The Rings of Power on pirate sites - 19:04
- iPhone 15 "Ultra" could replace Pro Max atop the iPhone product stack in 2023 - 17:44
- Amazon confirms a Prime Day-style sales event will take place next month - 17:09
- AMD Ryzen 5 7600X Review: Mainstream Zen 4 - 15:00
- Latest Nvidia GeForce Experience update fixes Windows 11 22H2 game performance issues - 14:31
- Amazon tells employees that a software error miscalculated their compensation - 13:51
- Meet the... SQL Processing Unit? - 13:06
- Productivity theater: bosses believe workers are less productive at home, according to Microsoft ... - 12:16

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Watch NASA Crash a Probe Into an Asteroid Tonight - 23:00
- When 3D Printing Gears, It Pays To Use The Right Resin - 22:30