Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 26.11.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Připravte se na zimu. Chytré vytápění vám sníží poplatky za energie až o 30 % - 14:00
- Intel vydá 6. generaci 14nm procesorů, přidá další 2 jádra - 12:00
- Druhá hra s podporou RTX, Justice, bude dostupná jen v Číně [video] - 08:00
- Vánoční nabídka Ryzenů obohacena chladičem Wraith MAX - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Ohio dovoluje platit daně pomocí Bitcoinu - 23:28
- HRE Wheels uvádí titanová kola vyrobená pomocí 3D tisku - 13:00
- InSight přistála na Marsu, NASA slaví - 13:00
- Fallout 76 začíná být pro Bethesdu koule u nohy, množí se požadavky na vrácení peněz - 12:30
- AMD EPYC "Rome" nabídnou dvojnásobnou kapacitu L3 cache na jádro - 11:20
- 14 nm pošesté: Intel chce zachytit nástup CPU Zen 2 pomocí Comet Lake - 10:30
- NASA zveřejnila datum prvního testovacího letu lodi Crew Dragon - 09:03

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- NASA's InSight lander successfully lands on Mars, prepares to investigate the planet's interior - 23:46
- Venmo bushwhacked by fraudulent activity - 22:55
- Microsoft temporarily surpassed Apple to become the world's most valuable company - 22:24
- Red Dead Online's first beta test is officially kicking off this week - 21:43
- Windows 10 October 2018 Update continues to be a headache for Microsoft - 21:10
- Google may face fines in Russia for not altering its search results - 20:33
- Cyber Monday expected to generate record $7.8 billion in online sales - 20:08
- GM will slash its North American workforce, using the savings to boost EV development - 19:37
- The Full Guide to Cyber Monday Deals: Over 160 hand-picked offers - 19:12
- Chinese researcher says he created the world's first genetically altered babies - 18:16
- SpaceX CEO Elon Musk believes there's a 70 percent chance he moves to Mars - 17:10
- Achievements suggest some are already beta testing Red Dead Online - 16:18
- Destiny-style 'Alien: Blackout' could be unveiled at Game Awards - 15:41
- Ohio becomes the first state to accept Bitcoin for tax payments - 14:57
- The Supreme Court is hearing a landmark antitrust case against Apple's App Store - 14:21
- LG patent shows off plans for 16-camera smartphone - 13:27
- Battlefield V Multiplayer CPU Benchmark: Ryzen 7 2700X vs. Core i9-9900K - 12:07
- Nvidia's share price plummets in wake of cryptocurrency crash - 12:04
- Google settles case with contractor who complained of racial discrimination - 11:25
- The Best Smartphones: In 3 Simple Categories - 09:06