Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.02.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Controlling Radio Frequency Interference - 20:30
- Quaternion AHRS with uPilot32 - 19:13
- UAV's and shark spotting - a case study - 08:00
- Quadcopter swarming modeled after pigeon formations - 07:36
- APM 2.52 Telemetry part - Schematic description - 07:30
- Busting Myths about the FAA and Unmanned Aircraft - 05:30
- DroneMapper Global UAV Hot Spots HeatMap - 04:00
- EastBay RC Guide to PID Controllers, Part 2: The Math and the Code - 01:51
- Drones in the sky - technological marvel or threat to privacy? - 01:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Školy otevírají nové IT obory, mnohdy však skrývají špatnou úroveň studia - 07:10
- LED matice 8 řádků a 8 sloupců - 04:59 - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple zalátal jednu kritickou chybu a už by měl opravovat další - 07:21
- Tipy pro Windows 8.1: zákaz synchronizace do cloudu nebo podvodných stránek - 00:00
- Vyzkoušeli jsme český on-line videorekordér - 00:00
- Jak se podívat za zeď nebo za roh? Nejlépe prý granátem "s očima" - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- První herní grafika s 8 GB paměti: Sapphire R9 290X VAPOR-X - 16:25
- Všechny počítačové zdroje v EU od července s min. 82% účinností - 14:40
- MWC 2014: Imagination předvedl dekódování VP9 videa pomocí OpenCL - 13:07
- Opravujeme monitor (z rychlíku): Samsung SyncMaster 931BW - 11:52
- Mini PC MK902 LE má čtyřjádro, PicUntu a stačí mu 5 wattů - 10:20
- Zrušené modely Bay Trail nahradí nová revize s opraveným USB - 09:00
- Microsoft uvolnil v tichosti Service Pack 1 pro Office 2013 - 07:30
- Samsung ohlásil ARM SoC Exynos Octa 5422 a Exynos Hexa 5260 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD plánuje PC s podporou aplikací pro Android - 13:25
- Sapphire nabídne miniaturní desky s AMD G-Series - 11:00
- Google rozšířil své podvodní Street View - 08:55

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Super Mario Bros. theme played on ancient Chinese musical instrument is spot-on - 23:30
- Moov wants to help you get better at working out, not just quantify your movements - 22:45
- Hauppauge's new multi-standard TV receiver works with NTSC and PAL TV - 22:00
- British spy agency GCHQ collected millions of screenshots from Yahoo webcam chats - 21:15
- Getty Images overpaid 9,000 iStock photographers and now it's taking the money back - 20:30
- Half of all in-app game purchases originate from just 0.15 percent of players - 19:30
- Valve confirms plan to let game developers set up and run their own Steam sales - 18:30
- Samsung to be ready when Android moves to 64-bit - 17:30
- Apple leaves 19% of Mac users vulnerable, no longer offers security updates for Snow Leopard - 16:25
- Google looks to sell Project Ara modular smartphones for $50 - 14:30
- Next DirectX may pack Mantle-like low-level features - 13:30
- The Coming of 8" Windows Tablets: Toshiba Encore Review - 06:45
- Google never made an offer to acquire WhatsApp - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Sparkfun’s AVC 2014: Robots, Copters, and Red Balloons of Death, Oh My! - 23:00
- Persistence of Vision would make a Great HUD - 22:00
- Fail of the Week: Reset Issues with 595 and HD44780 - 19:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Ultralow Voltage Step-Up Energy Harvester & Power Manager IC Extends Useful Life of Primary Batte... - 17:20
- Fast 16-bit 5Msps Dual SAR ADC Offers Flexible Differential Inputs with Wide Common Mode Range - 17:19

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Automotive Grade Start-Stop Non-Synchronous Boost Controller - 22:31
- 1:2, 1:4, Low Skew LVCMOS/LVTTL Fanout Buffers - 19:21

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- USB 2.0 Application Software - 15:30
- DPO4PWR MDO3PWR DPO3PWR Datasheet - 15:30