Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.02.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- PCI-SIG dostala specifikaci PCIe 6.0 do verze 0.5, finální bude příští rok - 12:00
- Asus potvrdil existenci mobilních Ryzenů 9 - 10:00
- Jak externí disk pro telefony: Flashdisk od Lenovo disponuje až 256GB a USB-C - 09:00
- Intel formálně vydal 18 nových Xeonů, které mají zvýhodnit poměr cena / výkon - 08:00
- Kodak Ektra po 27 měsících: experiment míří do finále - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Miliarda zranitelných zařízení s Wi-Fi: chyba Kr00k pomáhá prolomit WPA2 - 18:55
- vrátí peníze do 30 dní i za hry, které jste hráli - 14:45

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Watch this: Baldur's Gate 3's first gameplay demo revealed at PAX East - 23:36
- Facebook cancels F8 developer conference over coronavirus scare - 22:45
- Blizzard has some UI tweaks for Diablo IV, including expanded control options for PC - 22:12
- Grab these 3 C++ courses for less than $5 a piece - 21:50
- Apple loses two veteran executives from manufacturing and iPhone operations - 21:22
- Plague Inc. has been removed from the Chinese App Store - 20:38
- Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G reviews are in - 20:29
- Walmart to unveil Amazon Prime rival as early as next month - 20:02
- US 9th Circuit rules First Amendment does not apply to YouTube and other online forums - 19:19
- Square says half of its Cash app quarterly revenue came from bitcoin transactions - 18:48
- Time is running out for 5G to save Nokia - 18:15
- Raspberry Pi 4 gets birthday-inspired price cut - 17:09
- AMD's GPU shipments increase by 22 percent, eroding Nvidia's market share - 16:18
- Before establishing Nvidia, founder and CEO Jensen Huang designed microprocessors for... - 16:18
- Reddit CEO calls TikTok "spyware" and "fundamentally parasitic" - 14:27
- NOAA orders AMD-powered supercomputers with 327,680 Zen 2 cores, 1.3 petabytes of memory - 12:55
- The Xbox Series X will support 'ray traced audio' and let players resume games after a reboot - 12:03
- Google asks US for license to let Huawei use its services - 11:20
- 'Intruder' steals Clearview AI's entire client list - 00:39
- Destiny 2 is getting rid of paid loot boxes for season pass holders - 00:01

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- RC Ground Effect Vehicle Skims Over the Water - 22:00
- Raspberry Pi 4 Offers Up 2 GB for the Price of One - 20:06