Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.04.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Drone Post Flight - from your web browser! - 21:37
- Some new I2C devices from AUAV Co. - 14:13
- Hybrid FPV racer - 11:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Pozvánka na seminář - 06:46
- Vysočinu dnes zasáhne obří blackout - 07:23

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Prodeje iPhonů klesly o 10 milionů, finančně jde o největší propad za 13 let - 16:00
- Vydán Firefox 46 s několika novinkami - 14:00
- 43palcový monitor Philips BDM4350UC s rozlišením 3840×2160 - 12:00
- RECENZE - Ratchet & Clank hlásí velkolepý návrat - 11:00
- Procesory FX-8350 a FX-6350 dostaly tichý chladič Wraith - 10:00
- Samsung snížil chybovost 14nm procesu na 0,2 defektu na cm², mluví o 10 a 7 nm - 08:00
- Ceny SSD díky TLC čipům výrazně klesly - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Hluboká neuronová síť předvedla vlastní scénický tanec - 13:44
- Philips představil 43" LCD s Ultra HD - 13:07
- Výzkumníci vyřešili komunikaci s RF vlnami napájenými procesory - 12:45
- AMD vypustilo na trh Radeon Pro Duo, recenze ale nejsou - 11:46
- Floridská univerzita uspořádala závod dronů řízených pomocí mozkové aktivity - 00:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple employee found dead at Cupertino headquarters - 23:45
- Check out this new trailer for Oliver Stone's Edward Snowden biopic - 23:00
- India will soon require every phone sold to have a panic button as violence against women rises - 22:15
- Official mod support comes to Fallout 4 with Creation Kit, available now on PC - 21:30
- Dropbox's new feature will make you believe all your cloud-based files are stored locally - 20:45
- Intel wants to replace the 3.5mm headphone jack with USB Type-C connector - 20:00
- Acer launches new collection of Predator Z1 curved monitors - 19:15
- Comcast reportedly in talks to buy DreamWorks Animation for more than $3 billion - 18:30
- Getty Images accuses Google of promoting piracy in complaint filed with EU antitrust commission - 17:45
- DARPA awards eight contracts to help develop combat-ready vehicles - 17:00
- YouTube's mobile apps get a redesign and now use machine learning for better video recommendations - 16:15
- FBI won't reveal how it unlocked the San Bernardino iPhone - 15:15
- AT&T starts the year with a solid quarter but continues to lose U-Verse TV customers - 14:30
- Nintendo confirms NX console will release globally in March 2017, new Zelda a possible launch title - 13:15
- Final specifications for the AMD Radeon Pro Duo announced - 03:30
- Mozilla launches Firefox 46, as dull of an update as they come - 02:30
- Apple earnings decline for the first time in 13 years - 01:45
- Auto, tech giants form lobbying group to expedite the arrival of self-driving cars - 01:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Wooden Antikythera Mechanism is Geared for Greatness - 22:00
- The Open Source Hacker’s Laptop - 20:30

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Small Signal MOSFET 20 V Complementary - 06:24
- Small Signal MOSFET -20 V Dual P-Channel - 06:22
- Power MOSFET, 100 V, 10.8 mΩ, 70 A, N-Channel - 06:15
- Small Signal MOSFET 20 V, 200 mA, 1.5 Ohms Dual N-Channel XLLGA6 - 06:12
- 16-bit General Purpose Microcontrollers with 256-640 KB Flash ROM, 24-47.5 KB RAM - 06:10
- Serial Flash Memory, 8 Mb (1024K x 8) - 06:04
- Serial Flash Memory, 16 Mb (2048K x 8) - 06:03
- PWM Constant-Current Control Stepper Motor Pre-Driver - 06:00
- 1.8 V Programmable OmniClock Generator with Single Ended (LVCMOS) and Differential (LVDS/HCSL) Ou... - 05:58
- 3.3 V / 2.5 V One Time Programmable OmniClock Generator with Single-Ended (LVCMOS/LVTTL) and Diff... - 05:56

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Automotive Ethernet Compliance Test Solution - 16:30
- MDO4000C Series Mixed Domain Datasheet - 16:30
- Tektronix Service Solutions - 16:30