Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.06.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Rohlí usnadňuje nákupy handicapovaným: První e-shop pod záštitou Světlušky - 16:17
- Intel prý plánuje u Samsungu vyrábět čipsety - 12:00
- Má čipset vliv na výkon Ryzen 3000? Podle testu ano, byť ne velký - 08:00
- Intel dal zaměstnancům analýzu Zen 2, ti moc nevěří, že nabídka Intelu obstojí - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Sony, Microsoft a Nintendo varují americkou vládu před zvyšováním cla na čínské zboží - 17:50
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super vyfotografována a co specifikace a ceny? - 17:20
- Model simuluje miliony let trvající expanzi lidstva po naší galaxii - 16:20
- VESA přináší standard DisplayPort 2.0 s trojnásobnou propustností - 15:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Arby's announces the first of its line of 'Megetables:' The 'Marrot' - 23:29
- Waymo hires engineers from failed robotics startup Anki to work on self-driving trucks - 23:05
- 'Jetson' is a Pentagon laser that can identify people by heartbeat - 22:23
- Google is rolling out public transit 'crowdedness' predictions for Google Maps - 21:39
- Mozilla created a tool that opens 100 browsing tabs to mislead web trackers - 21:00
- Warning labels will be applied to rule-breaking tweets from politicians - 20:25
- Myst is getting another shot at a movie and TV deal - 19:03
- Acer gold box deals discounts laptops, desktops, monitors and more 30% - 18:41
- Philips Hue launches Bluetooth bulbs that work without a hub - 17:57
- Bitcoin's new surge is driving AMD shares up - 17:20
- Amazon launches Counter package pickup locations in the US - 16:43
- Second Florida city agrees to pay ransomware hackers massive sum - 15:47
- Pre-order the Sony Xperia 1 and get the $350 WH-1000XM3 headphones for free - 15:20
- Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony collectively speak out against Trump's tariffs on gaming consoles - 14:58
- Over 9 million people spend 3+ hours each day playing Candy Crush Saga - 14:25
- DisplayPort 2.0 officially revealed, supports 16K resolutions at 60Hz - 13:57
- Apple makes key hire with ARM's lead CPU architect as it looks to an ARM-based future for Macs - 13:15
- New Boeing 737 Max safety issue will keep planes grounded for longer - 12:20
- The US' green energy production numbers have finally outpaced coal - 01:11

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Custom Machined Pump Keeps CNC Lubrication Under Control - 22:00
- Replacement Batteries For The Sony Discman - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Accelerate EMI Qualification of Automotive Touchscreens with New Capacitive Touch Controllers - 14:15