Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.07.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- THOR hybrid UAV hovers like a helicopter, flies like a plane - 19:00
- Searching for heavy duty applications for HYBRiX20 - 16:51
- FlytPi – A Turnkey companion computer pre-loaded with FlytOS Commercial Edition [Available for Or... - 07:09

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD uvádí CPU Ryzen 3 a APU Bristol Ridge pro AM4 - 15:00
- Mozilla převede uživatele Windows na 64bit Firefox v září - 11:00
- 6 z 10 hráčů nevidí mezi Vegou a GTX 1080 Ti rozdíl, 3 by preferovali Vegu - 08:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- ASUS ROG Strix RX 580 08G Gaming: Ten chladič stojí za to! - 15:00
- Soutěžte s Cooler Master o Cosmos II a další ceny za 18 tisíc - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: AMD Ryzen 3 v testu: nová definice low-endu - 17:00
- Google zruší funkci Instant Search, kterou zavedl v roce 2010 - 18:50
- Ataribox jako další možné odbytiště pro APU od AMD - 15:10
- Apple musí zaplatit celkem půl miliardy dolarů Univerzitě ve Wisconsinu - 14:30
- NASA chce vyrobit nadzvukový letoun létající tiše - 14:10
- Toyota vyvíjí menší a podstatně lepší baterie pro elektrovozy - 13:30
- AMD přichází s velkou aktualizací Radeon Software - 12:50
- NVIDIA rozdala první karty Volta V100 předním AI institucím - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD Ryzen Threadripper gets delidded, unexpected dies uncovered - 23:45
- HTC, Qualcomm launching an all-in-one Vive headset just for China - 23:30
- Three new characters with their own adventures will be available in Wolfenstein 2's Season Pass - 22:45
- Twitter's monthly active user growth flatlined in the second quarter - 22:15
- AMD puts Wraith Max cooler up for sale - 21:30
- Microsoft's extended bug bounty program now pays up to $250,000 - 20:45
- Google to declutter streaming ecosystem by combining YouTube Red and Google Play Music - 20:00
- Android versions are named after dessert foods. They're also released... - 19:45
- Major cryptocurrency exchange site down and accused of money laundering - 19:00
- Samsung reports record-breaking Q2 operating profit - 18:30
- New renders suggest the Pixel 2 won't feature a headphone jack - 18:00
- Jeff Bezos unseats Bill Gates as world's richest man - 17:30
- Tech leaders call for Trump to reverse his ban on transgender service members - 17:15
- Realtek updates HD Audio Codec drivers - 16:45
- Actor's resume seemingly confirms Grand Theft Auto 6 is in development (Updated) - 15:45
- AMD Ryzen 3 Review - 15:00
- The Asus Zephyrus packs a GTX 1080 in a laptop that's almost as thin as a MacBook Pro - 14:00
- Facebook had another great quarter, beating expectations with revenue of $9.3 billion - 13:15
- OnePlus 5 Review - 07:30
- Xiaomi is launching a $45 Amazon Echo alternative - 04:15
- Electronics larger than a cell phone must be screened individually, the TSA says - 01:45
- Overwatch pro players will be earning $50,000 per year - 01:00
- Uber CEO short list said to include HP Enterprise chief Meg Whitman - 00:15
- Which search engine was Google nearly sold to in the 90s? - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Tell Time With a Reverse-Sundial Watch - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: The Arduino Powered LED Persistence Of Vision Rechargeable 3D Printed Fidge... - 20:30