Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.07.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Mac Pro s M1 byl připraven, Apple se ale rozhodl počkat na M2 Extreme - 21:30
- 80jádrový Ampere Altra (ARM) výkonem i spotřebou překonal Threadripper 3990X - 17:00
- Zamrzlo peklo? Apple umožnil platit např. Netflix přes odkaz mimo App Store - 15:00
- Sony obohatilo PS VR2 o několik významných funkcí - 14:45
- Micron začal s dodávkami 232vrstvých pamětí NAND - 13:54
- Northvolt s Cubergem úspěšně otestoval životnost akumulátorů s 380 Wh/kg - 02:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Average data breach costs reach an all-time high - 22:50
- Rockstar might add a female playable character to Grand Theft Auto VI - 22:14
- EVGA launches cable suspension PC chassis starting at $1,599 - 20:17
- Modded Steam Deck "Ultimate" gets gobs of storage, enhanced cooling, upgraded thumbsticks and more - 19:45
- Spotify quietly discontinues Car Thing dashboard accessory - 16:44
- Oxford study finds video games don't affect your well-being, no matter how long you spend playing... - 15:57
- Spotify adds a record number of Q2 users, still loses money - 15:20
- Micron's 232-layer NAND starts shipping with up to 2TB per package - 14:44
- Wallpaper app soars up Steam charts thanks to Chinese porn fans circumventing national ban - 13:55
- Meta Quest 2, the most popular VR headset, gets a $100 price hike due to rising manufacturing costs - 13:15
- SK Hynix lowers forecast as fragile economy flattens demand - 12:17
- Next-generation RAF fighter jet to feature AI-assisted operation - 01:14
- AMD Radeon noise suppression goes official - 00:53

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- You Can Build A Giant 7-Segment Display Of Your Very Own - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize 2022: Repairing a Vintage Laptop With Modern Components - 20:30