Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.08.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Lisa Su: Crossfire nehraje významnou roli - 12:00
- V Číně vzniká GPU s HBM o výkonu GeForce GTX 1080 - 08:00
- První Zen 2 bez HT/SMT, Ryzen 5 3500, přichází - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Doručovací dron APT 70 od Bell zvládl první autonomní letový test - 22:39
- TSMC se chce rázně bránit, obvinění jsou prý nepodložená - 17:20
- Asus odhalil nízkoprofilovou GeForce GTX 1650, Elsa zase jednoslotovou - 16:50
- Skládací roboti mění svůj tvar v závislosti na teplotě - 16:31
- FAA: ozbrojené drony jsou nelegální - 16:10
- Procesorů Ryzen 7 3700X a Ryzen 9 3900X je stále nedostatek - 15:20
- Moderní GeForce vs. Radeon v testech produktivity: rendering a výpočty - 14:50
- Jak by se jevila Země pro mimozemské astronomy? - 14:00
- World of Warcraft Classic byl spuštěn, chystá se oslava 15. výročí - 13:50
- GlobalFoundries žalují TSMC kvůli porušení patentů, žádají zákaz importu zboží - 12:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Yelp updates its iOS app to include personalized search results - 23:45
- Sprint expands its 5G network to four more cities - 23:15
- Google Maps will now suggest ridesharing, cycling options for 'first and last mile' transportation - 22:41
- Graphene provides an unexpected two-fold defense against mosquitoes - 21:54
- Latest Radeon drivers enhance Control performance - 21:43
- Microsoft is sending out invitations to a mysterious Surface event on October 2 - 21:05
- Facebook is testing Threads, a standalone messaging app for Instagram - 20:32
- The BBC is developing its own voice assistant called Beeb - 20:08
- The Spyro Reignited Trilogy comes to PC and the Nintendo Switch on September 3 - 19:35
- Microsoft details every Xbox One controller ever made - 19:02
- World of Warcraft Classic is now live, but good luck getting in - 18:27
- Opinion: VMware paints multi-faceted picture of computing future - 17:54
- Fairphone 3 prioritizes eco-friendly materials and repairability above all else - 17:18
- Smartphone shipments fell again in Q2 - 15:35
- Android 10 reportedly arriving on Pixel devices next week - 15:03
- NASA doubles the ISS data rate to 600Mbps - 14:25
- Microsoft offering some customers an extra year of free Windows 7 updates - 13:58
- Porsche Taycan becomes the fastest four-door EV to lap the Nurburgring racetrack - 13:15
- Netflix has just shipped its five-billionth DVD - 12:20
- Apple re-patches vulnerability that briefly allowed users to jailbreak their iPhones - 01:07
- Asus launches ZenBook Pro Duo starting at $2,499.99 - 00:20