Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.09.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- From Hackaday: A history of drones - 06:00
- Skysense Wins NASA WorldWind Europa Challenge 2016 - 02:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Polaris jde do embedded sféry, nabídne low-profile i zajímavé TDP - 15:00
- Panasonic uvedl ultrazoom FZ2000 se 4k DCI videem - 13:00
- Šéf FBI také doporučuje přelepit webkamerku páskou - 10:30
- S GeForce GTX 1070 a GTX 1080 získáte Gears of War 4 - 08:00
- Fujifilm ukázal GFX 50S, parádní středoformátovou bezzrcadlovku - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Číňané tvrdí, že mají kvantový radar proti technologii stealth - 16:42
- O koupi Twitteru má zájem i Disney - 15:55
- Xbox One S v edici Audi R8: autokonzole pro Forza Horizon 3 - 15:18
- EIZO CG2730 a CS2730: 27" dvojka pro náročné - 14:54
- Samsung Polaris: nové kontrolery zajistí vyšší kapacitu SSD - 12:35
- Asus ohlásil první desku s Intel Apollo Lake - 12:00
- Hubble našel na Europě nejspíše silné vodní gejzíry - 11:16

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Germany orders Facebook to stop collecting data on WhatsApp users - 23:45
- SpaceX plans to send people to Mars using its Interplanetary Transport System - 22:45
- Microsoft reveals 400 million machines are now running Windows 10, new Edge security feature - 22:00
- PlayStation Vita was a great machine that simply arrived too late, former Sony exec says - 21:00
- Riders in Uber's self-driving cars had to waive the right to sue if they were injured or killed - 20:15
- Razer updates DeathAdder mouse with more durable switches, "world's most accurate" optical sensor - 19:30
- Xiaomi reveals two flagship smartphones, one with a fingerprint reader under its glass - 18:45
- The Andromeda strain: A new Google OS? - 18:00
- Palantir sued for allegedly discriminating against Asian job candidates - 17:15
- EVGA launches liquid-cooled GTX 1070 and 1080 cards at premium price - 16:15
- Disney is reportedly talking with bankers about acquiring Twitter - 15:15
- German car makers can help you find parking and avoid traffic hazards by sharing real-time data - 14:15
- Lenovo lays off significant numbers of Motorola staff - 13:15
- Using a U2F Key to Secure Your Google, Dropbox, and GitHub Accounts - 09:45
- The Vamp Stereo adds Bluetooth to any old speakers - 02:30
- Leaked images of Google's upcoming 4K-ready Chromecast Ultra hit the web - 01:30
- Google reportedly testing a Chrome OS/Android hybrid OS, codenamed Andromeda - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- New Part Day: Wireless BeagleBones On A Chip - 22:00
- Smart Sutures - 20:31

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Improve Digital Support of Battery Charging and DC-DC Conversion Applications with New Digitally ... - 14:04