Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.09.2017

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce GTX 1070 Ti zůstanou 8GHz paměti, jádro prý ale bude rychlejší - 11:00
- 2018: Zen+ alias Pinnacle Ridge, 2019: Zen 2 alias Matisse - 08:00
- První test šestijádra Core i7-8700K: 2-43 % nad Kaby Lake (single-multi core) - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Firefox 57 Quantum s novým enginem pro multi-threading - 21:00
- Twitter testuje zvýšení limitu na 280 znaků - 19:30
- Mobiveil a Crossbar plánují obohatit SSD o paměti ReRAM - 15:50
- Uniklá roadmap AMD odhaluje procesory Matisse a APU Picasso - 13:00
- Ataribox využije speciální SoC s grafikou Radeon - 12:20
- Intel představil Loihi, samoučící se čip - 12:00
- Microsoft a Facebook už mají nejrychlejší podmořský kabel - 11:30
- Daimler testuje poloautonomní konvoje trucků v USA - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- LG's K7i smartphone features mosquito repelling technology - 23:44
- AK-47 maker Kalashnikov just made their own hoverbike - 23:00
- Apple releases first update for iOS 11, fixing bugs - 22:41
- Sony has no plans for future PlayStation handhelds - 22:15
- SNES Classic Edition reviews go live, launches Friday for $79.99 - 21:30
- LG brings Google Assistant to 87 appliances: washing machines, ovens, refrigerators and more - 20:45
- Is it time to upgrade to macOS High Sierra? - 19:44
- The ghosts in the original Pacman (Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde) had unique AI traits. Which one... - 19:20
- Google stops Amazon's Echo Show from accessing YouTube - 18:28
- Dyson, a vacuum company, wants to make electric cars - 17:41
- Make your businesses grow with this AWS Certification Training - 17:30
- Apple admits "small number" of iPhone 8 users are experiencing audio issues, says fix on the way - 16:35
- As blockchain technology becomes more popular, it could change the digital world - 15:45
- Google celebrates its 19th birthday with 19 past Doodle games, including Snake - 14:45
- Twitter is experimenting with a 280-character limit - 14:00
- AMD roadmap shows Zen 2 "Matisse" architecture arriving in 2019 - 13:15
- Microsoft showcases several new OneDrive features at Ignite conference - 03:45
- Mozilla looks to challenge Chrome with Firefox Quantum - 02:15
- Security flaw found in Broadcom chipset allows hackers to hijack WiFi connected iPhones - 01:29
- Microsoft announces Office 2019, coming next year - 00:44
- Dubai stages its first unmanned Volocopter passenger flight - 00:11

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hackaday Prize Entry: TooWheels, The Open Source Wheelchair - 22:00
- Have Some Candy While I Steal Your Cycles - 21:29

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Expands Computing Capabilities with Two Embedded Controller Families that Support eSPI ... - 14:03