Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.10.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Jednojádrový výkon Zen 3 podle CPU-Z poskočil o 32 % - 10:00
- Nová GeForce RTX 3070 Ti bude vlastně tím, čím měla být původní GeForce RTX 3080 - 08:00
- Intel Xe DG2 prý dosáhne výkonu GeForce RTX 3070 - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Cyberpunk 2077 byl opět odložen, tentokrát do prosince - 21:00
- MIT vyvinulo Roboat II: autonomní čluny pro Amsterdam - 20:52
- PS5 ani nový Xbox prý nepodporuje Dolby Vision na UHD Blu-ray discích - 20:45
- OLED displeje s metapovrchem slibují hustotu bodů až 10000 dpi - 17:13
- MSI uvádí černočerné desky MEG B550 UNIFY - 15:50
- Recenze GeForce RTX 3070 jsou tu, jak si vede? - 15:20
- Potvrzeno, AMD kupuje společnost Xilinx - 14:50
- Zoom konečně spouští end-to-end šifrování - 14:38
- AMD utržilo 2,8 miliard dolarů: výrazně víc, než očekávalo - 14:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- New warnings from Apple indicate iPhone 12's MagSafe feature may not be its best idea - 23:31
- UK regulator will ban mobile carriers from selling locked smartphones next year - 22:43
- These famous tech personalities are all college dropouts, except... - 22:27
- Apple's iPhone now being used by more than a billion people, analyst estimates - 22:08
- Zoom opens up end-to-end encryption for both free and paid users - 21:26
- Wyze introduces third-gen security camera, still $20 - 20:42
- White Castle will begin testing its automated 'Flippy' cooking robot at 10 more locations - 20:09
- The latest Microsoft Office for iPad update adds mouse and trackpad support - 19:39
- Phil Spencer says all next-gen Xbox exclusives will come to the Microsoft Store and Steam - 19:01
- Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed a third time to December 10 - 18:39
- AMD announces $35 billion acquisition of Xilinx on the back of another record-setting quarter - 18:18
- Netflix and Ubisoft are partnering up on a live-action Assassin's Creed series - 17:55
- New Edge feature will launch the browser much faster - 17:18
- Sony's efforts beyond mainstream products, shows off remote technologies for creators - 16:34
- Crash Bandicoot: On the Run scheduled for spring 2021 launch - 16:02
- SAP shares dip by almost 21%, its biggest stock market slump since 1999 - 15:28
- Samsung might drop bundled charger and earphones from the Galaxy S21 - 14:51
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Review: The New $500 King - 14:00
- OnePlus expands Nord lineup with two new models - 13:20
- A theater chain is renting out screens for gaming - 12:41
- Save big on spooky DRM-free games in GOG's Halloween Sale - 12:03
- GeForce RTX 3060 pre-orders with a November launch date appear in China - 11:14

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- What’s In A USB-C Connector? - 21:00