Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.11.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Preferred Motors Of DRL Pilots - 16:42
- Pilot a "supra" rotorcraft - 14:05
- DIY 10-channel transmitter - 05:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Známe seznam procesorů Intel 8. a 9. generace - 16:30
- Novinky podzimu 2017 – špičkové bluetooth reproduktory Orava Pegasus - 15:45
- Rozpolcený Canonical neví kam směrovat projekt Mir - 15:00
- Foxconn nutil studenty k nelegálním přesčasům ve výrobě iPhone X - 13:15
- Vivaldi 1.13 vylepšuje organizaci panelů a stahování - 11:30
- Apple koupil startup VRvana, zodpovědný za headset předčící Microsoft HoloLens - 09:45
- K Radeonům RX Vega můžete nyní dostat Wolfenstein II a Prey - 08:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Teleskop Jamese Webba prošel mrazivým testem ve vakuu - 13:30
- Jak lidé zneužívají kreditní systém v Battlefront II? - 12:50
- AIDA64 odhaluje chystané procesory Intel 8. i 9. generace - 12:00
- PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds stoupá do nových výšin a láme rekordy - 11:30
- Imgur byl hacknut už v roce 2014 a teprve nyní to firma zjistila - 10:30
- AMD nabízí k Vegám zdarma Prey i Wolfenstein II - 09:40
- Doporučené PC sestavy: listopad 2017 - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Facebook is expanding AI-based, proactive suicide detection efforts - 23:47
- Tumblr CEO David Karp will be leaving the company by the end of the year - 23:01
- Technology in the classroom isn't always a good thing - 22:13
- Shell goes green in Europe with 80 new electric vehicle charging stations - 21:38
- Imgur confirms 1.7 million user credentials have been compromised - 21:04
- Cyber Monday: 40 best tech deals as selected by our editors - 20:26
- Snapchat's new smart filters use object recognition technology - 19:41
- Microsoft Office is now available on every Chromebook - 18:56
- GE Healthcare will use Nvidia's AI tech to improve medical image processing - 18:09
- Mother says her 14-year-old boy is a scapegoat after Epic sues him for cheating - 17:17
- For a limited time, get an IPVanish VPN subscription for less than $3/mo - 16:48
- Samsung has plans to show off Micro LED TVs at CES - 16:20
- Samsung's 'graphene balls' could make phone batteries last longer and charge faster - 15:31
- The Substitute Phone could help people deal with their smartphone addiction - 14:31
- Report: almost 4 million Bitcoins could be lost forever - 13:31
- Which of these tech executives said in 1999, "You have zero privacy anyway..."? - 13:01
- The FCC's plans to end net neutrality could be killed in court - 12:15
- TechSpot's Guide to the Best Smartphones - 06:53

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Entry-Level 3D Printer Becomes Budget PCB Machine - 22:00
- IoTP: The Internet of Toilet Paper - 20:30