Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 27.03.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- [Update] DroidPlanner v0.4.0 - Ground Control Station for Android devices - 23:30
- Hi guys, Short video from some of the latest flights with G-Frame and Gimbal. - 19:30
- Robots Podcast #126: International standards for robotics - 19:11
- Quadcopters (multirotors) are killing us (fixed-wing UAS) in Montana - 19:00
- PID: What's it for and how does it work? - 17:00
- First hand look at unmanned aircraft for wildlife management - 16:31
- While some states are banning drones, Oklahoma is pushing them forward....and trying to dominate ... - 14:00
- sUAS News podcast live from Texas controlled burn. - 07:07
- Wayback machine: how rate gyros (used to) work - 06:49
- Rescue drone drops life preservers - 04:25
- How to Connect and Test your APM on the Mission Planner - 02:55
- For a SpecialDrones need special Control Console : VR Radio RC 1.4 is available on Google Play fo... - 00:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Nová řada komunikačních bran - 07:35 - Mvorisek RSS
- Útočníci prý zpomalili celý internet. Je to odveta za blokování spamu - 17:19
- Pyrotechnici dostali robota tEODora. Nasadí „život“, aby člověk přežil - 16:08
- Microsoft poprvé potvrdil Windows Blue. Nebudou jen vylepšením osmiček - 11:32
- Kdy už konečně přijde jaro? Záleží na tom, na jaké se ptáte - 00:00
- Učí nás čeština nezodpovědnosti? Mateřský jazyk ovlivňuje budoucnost - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nokia jde po krku Googlu, kvůli patentům na VP8 - 00:00
- AMD oficiálně ohlásila Radeon HD 7990, společně s ním se vrátí i Ruby - 00:00
- Přepisujeme SSD až do skonání - III - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Asus Taichi 21: dva displeje v pohotovosti - 01:00
- AMD ukázalo referenční design Radeonu HD 7990 - 14:40
- Thermaltake si připravil také skříň Urban S41 - 13:00
- Genius uvádí reproduktorový systém GX Gaming SW-G5.1 3500 - 10:30
- Asus Transformer AiO - počítač a tablet v jednom - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- BitTorrent Live video streaming protocol to be free for users, publishers - 23:00
- MakerBot, Ouya partner to let gamers print 3D console cases at home - 22:30
- Microsoft's next Office update codenamed Gemini, could ship this fall - 21:30
- "X-Ray for TV" lets Kindle, Wii U owners tap to identify actors - 20:30
- Battlefield 4 showcased in 17-minute gameplay trailer - 19:30
- AMD showcases dual-GPU Radeon HD 7990 at GDC - 19:00
- Windows Blue public preview planned for Build conference in June - 18:30
- Anti-spam group, web host dispute leads to largest DDoS ever - 17:30
- Infographic: What happens when your computer turns on - 17:00
- Microsoft study reveals a third of all software is counterfeit - 15:51
- Stealth launches book-sized LPC-480 PC with mobile Core i7 - 14:00
- The History of the Modern Graphics Processor, Part 1 - 08:53
- Microsoft under fire in Europe over Windows 8 UEFI Secure Boot - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Business card draws [ch00f]‘s logo - 22:01
- Making a 12V bulb work in a 6V socket - 20:01
- Robot steals soda from the vending machine - 18:01
- Extending old games with reverse engineering and MAME - 16:00
- Android controlled Minecraft ores - 14:00
- Turning PCBs into art - 12:00
- Atomic skull clock reminds us we’re dying - 02:01
- DIY $6 serial cable for vintage Apple QuickTake cameras - 00:01

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Picture Quality Analysis Software Datasheet - 15:30
- Picture Quality Analysis System Datasheet - 15:30