Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.03.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Philippine Disaster Relief Mapping - 23:30
- multi-spectral - 16:00
- Visually stabilizing a Crazyflie, including in the dark - 14:44
- Facebook buying solar drone maker - 06:30 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Apríl na konci března: ztracené letadlo teď čeká na jadernou bombu - 18:00
- Office pro iPad je na světě. Zdarma nabízí prohlížení - 11:25
- Programy zdarma: úložiště, indikátor stavu kláves nebo konverze videí - 00:00
- MOBIL.CZ má balíček s minutou za 1,90 Kč. A další virtuálové přibývají - 00:00
- Deset nejkrásnějších Češek ukázalo deset high-tech novinek - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Office zdarma pro iPad sice Microsoft vydal, mají ale jeden háček - 13:15
- Opravujeme monitor (z rychlíku): Samsung SyncMaster 2043NWX - 11:15
- Apple prodal půl miliardy foťáků, tedy smartphonů - 09:35
- Velký rozbor revoluce: AMD chce skloubit otevřený ovladač a linuxové Catalysty - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Peklo zamrzlo: Office je na iPadu, post PC éra začíná - 12:00
- Soutěž s Asusem o routery a další ceny za 12 tisíc: vyhlášení - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel dokončil první vlnu čipsetů 9 Series - 11:30
- ECS Liva: nová rodina úsporných mini PC - 10:55
- WD My Passport Pro: dva disky a Thunderbolt - 10:35

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Facebook plans to deliver internet access with satellites, lasers and flying drones - 23:45
- All new devices running Android must now display 'powered by Android' branding - 23:00
- CD and DVD ripping for personal use to be legalized in the UK - 22:15
- Oculus hires Valve VR expert Michael Abrash as Chief Scientist - 21:30
- Facebook updates Messenger on iOS with new groups and forwarding - 20:45
- Tesla adds titanium shield to undercarriage of Model S to prevent battery fires - 20:00
- Lenovo recalls dangerous laptop batteries citing fire hazard - 19:15
- Weekend game deals: Batman: Arkham Origins $10, BioShock trilogy $12, Skyrim Legendary $24 - 18:43
- New 'Watch Dogs' trailer highlights virtual Chicago, hyper-connected society - 18:15
- Microsoft makes Office for Android and iPhone free for home users - 17:30
- Slingbox support set to arrive on Chromecast soon - 16:45
- Mozilla employees ask new CEO Brendan Eich to step down - 16:00
- This custom-built R/C car could beat most production vehicles in a top-speed race - 15:15
- Sony's 13-inch 'Digital Paper' tablet acts like paper, costs $1,100 - 14:30
- Western Digital launches My Passport Pro, first Thunderbolt-powered portable dual hard drive - 13:30
- iOS apps crash more often than Android apps, according to report - 12:30
- Get with the Times: These 9 Devices Might Be a Waste of Your Money - 04:56
- Samsung's next bright idea: Smart LED light bulbs - 00:45
- Facebook now has 1 billion mobile users and 200 million Instagram users - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Battery Fuel Gauges - 03:40
- Level-Translating I2C-Bus / SMBus Repeater - 03:38
- 30 V Single N-Channel Power MOSFET - 03:35
- Low Capacitance ESD Protection for High Speed Signal Pairs (USB, HDMI, LVDS) - 03:33
- 3-Phase Hybrid Inverters - 03:31
- Twelve Low-Side Relay Drivers - 03:25
- Adjustable Dual LDO, 3.3 V to 20 V, with Adjustable Current Limit - 03:23
- CMOS Low Dropout Regulator, 300 mA - 03:20
- CMOS Low Dropout Regulator, 150 mA - 03:19
- Low Noise LDO Regulator with Adjustable Current Limit and Voltage - 03:15
- M-BUS Slave Transceiver - 03:06
- Ultra-Low 0.35 Ω Dual SPDT Analog Switch - 03:02
- Headset Detection Interface - 03:01