Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.04.2016 - Mvorisek RSS
- Průmyslový osciloskop Fluke 120B - 07:23
- Rychlovarná konvice tweetuje - 06:49

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nintendo: NX vydáme v březnu 2017. Celosvětově. - 14:10
- Prostor na OneDrive se v červnu srazí na 5 GB, pokud si nepřiplatíte - 12:00
- Firefox bude Windows XP SP3 podporovat i nadále - 10:00
- AMD hledá menší prostory, současné jsou naddimenzované - 08:00
- Každý mobil v Indii musí mít příští rok záchranné tlačítko, GPS v roce 2018 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Pár posledních novinek od Microsoftu - 21:50
- Fallout 4 Creation Kit už volně k dispozici v betaverzi - 14:42
- Intel chce, aby 3,5mm audio jack byl nahrazen portem USB C - 13:15
- Plovoucí solární elektrárny: budoucnost obnovitelné energie? - 12:26
- SpaceX oznamuje misi na Mars pro rok 2018 - 11:54
- Hover Camera: bezpečný dron, který umí následovat člověka - 00:08

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google reportedly close to reaching self-driving 'technical partnership' with Fiat Chrysler - 23:30
- Samsung earnings beat estimates thanks to early launch of Galaxy S7 smartphones - 22:30
- Learn C#: Boost your skill set with this always-in-demand programming language - 22:00
- Steam now accepts Bitcoin payments via processing service BitPay - 21:00
- HP's new Chromebook 13 is the first of its kind to ship with an Intel Core M processor - 20:00
- IDC report shows worldwide shipments of smartphones stagnating; Samsung remains top manufacturer - 19:00
- Microsoft is testing the viability of DNA as a long-term storage medium - 18:15
- Samsung's vision for the future of VR is inspired by Star Trek's Holodeck - 17:30
- AMD targeting affordable VR-capable graphics cards with Polaris - 16:30
- Windows 10 upgrade prompts are now interrupting weather reports - 15:30
- Comcast raising monthly broadband data cap to 1TB is a win for cord-cutters - 14:30
- You can now play Minecraft in virtual reality on the Gear VR headset - 13:15
- The Best Strategy Games on PC - 08:30
- HTC reportedly building the next pair of Nexus devices - 02:45
- Leaked benchmarks point to Snapdragon 820 SoC and 6GB of RAM in upcoming OnePlus 3 - 02:00
- Facebook shares reach an all-time high in after-hours trading following stellar Q1 report - 01:15
- SpaceX says it plans to send a spacecraft to Mars as early as 2018 - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Forty-Year-Old Arcade Game Reveals Secrets of Robot Path Planning - 22:00
- Up-Close and Personal with Laser Cuts - 19:01