Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.06.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel prý přejmenuje čipset Z370 na Z390 - 12:00
- Falcon 9 Block 5: Poslední „velká verze“ revolučního Nosiče? - 11:00
- Chytré hodinky s roční výdrží? Realita za pakatel - 09:00
- Hodiny Briana Krzanicha - 08:30
- Je nový NDA formulář Nvidie ďábelskou lstí, nebo nevinným dokumentem? - 08:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- JWST nepoletí ani v roce 2020, ale nejdříve o rok později - 18:00
- Začalo uzavřené alfatestování Battlefieldu V, jaké jsou nároky? - 17:30
- AMD opět rozesílá vývojářům Ryzeny a Radeony pro zlepšení kompatibility - 17:00
- Micron obviňuje Čínu z pokusu o krádež jeho tajemství - 16:10
- ASMedia ASM2824: další switch pro velice rychlé SSD úložiště - 14:50
- NASA podporuje projekt stanovující způsoby hledání života ve vesmíru - 13:20
- TrendForce: cena NAND Flash půjde v tomto roce dolů - 12:40
- Intel Core i9-9900K a Z390 se chystají na trh - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- The NES Classic is back on stores. Here's how to get it - 23:58
- Niantic showcased its 'occlusion' technology with a Pikachu demo - 23:19
- Sling TV Orange is receiving a $5 monthly price bump - 22:43
- Showtime orders 10-episode live action Halo TV series - 22:00
- Razer introduces 'opto-mechanical,' IR laser-based switches with the Huntsman mechanical keyboard - 21:13
- Check your bill: AT&T has quietly raised its "administrative fee" by more than 160 percent this year - 20:19
- Kroger is developing an autonomous grocery delivery service - 19:46
- Overwatch's 28th hero is a hamster in a giant ball-shaped mech - 19:03
- Bethesda publishes a trio of Fallout 76 trailers - 18:33
- Sony's Xperia XZ2 Premium arrives in the US on July 30 for $999, pre-orders begin July 9 - 18:01
- Amazon shakes up drugstore industry with acquisition of online pharmacy PillPack - 17:29
- Apple will no longer be completely reliant on Samsung for OLED displays - 17:05
- Facebook patent describes using inaudible sounds in TV ads to activate smartphones' microphones - 16:37
- NAND flash prices continue falling on weak demand - 16:09
- Amazon wants to help entrepreneurs start their own delivery companies - 15:40
- We could be waiting a few more years for Cyberpunk 2077 - 14:59
- Before developing Steam, Valve approached many companies to help them build it. Which of these wa... - 14:46
- BBC makes its Computer Literacy Project archives available to the public - 13:07
- Apple and Samsung's seven-year patent infringement battle has finally been settled - 01:45
- Qualcomm announces Snapdragon Wear 2500, a chipset for kids smartwatches - 01:02
- Disney has received conditional Department of Justice approval to acquire 21st Century Fox - 00:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- A Lightgun For LCDs – Thanks To Maths! - 22:00
- Simple Quadcopter Testbed Clears The Air For Easy Algorithm Development - 20:30