Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.09.2011

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- UK Drone Zone Meeting June 11 Goes To Press.... - 21:00
- Coaxial Autonomous Landing on a moving platform via Optical Flow - 20:01
- Arducopter 3DR sonar mount - 13:19
- OCTOV 1KG hanging payload - 12:08
- 3D printer-ready file of an ArduCopter sonar mount - 05:40
- Cool IMU Project - 03:54
- Dirt Cheap Night Lighting Option - 03:00
- iBird Autonomous Ornithopter - 00:27 - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazon připravil iPadu nejvážnějšího konkurenta. Je levnější a menší - 19:25
- Windows 8 ovládnete prstem a hůř myší. Obrazovku smrti jsme nevyvolali - 00:00 - Radek Hulán - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- První aerolinky převzaly Boeing 787 Dreamliner - 09:08
- Microsoft zahájil distribuci aktualizace Windows Phone 7.5 Mango, konečně bude čeština - 00:18
- Vyšel Firefox 7 a Thunderbird 7 - 00:02
- 9W AMD Fusion C-60 v netbooku Acer - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Asus uvádí desky pro Sandy Bridge s PCIe 3.0 - 15:10
- Acer uvádí notebooky Aspire s AMD Llano - 15:00
- QNAP uvádí novou řadu NAS s procesory Marvell - 14:00
- Cooler Master chystá dva nové procesorové chladiče - 04:00
- Notebooky Asus N Series nabídnou zvuk od Bang & Olufsen - 02:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- EA announces $1.6m Battlefield 3 contest, PC gamers not invited - 23:30
- Microsoft, Samsung sign licensing deal over Android devices - 22:30
- Intel, IBM to invest $4.4 billion in chip manufacturing - 21:30
- Cable operators considering "a la carte" channel service - 20:30
- Amazon unveils $79 E-Ink Kindle, $99 Kindle Touch - 19:30
- Apple may discontinue two iPod models or entire line soon - 18:30
- Amazon intros Kindle Fire tablet, arrives November 15 for $199 - 17:23
- HDD shipments weak in third quarter, will stagnate in fourth - 15:30
- Tech Tip: Check If Someone Is Using Your Wi-Fi - 07:23
- Microsoft disables 41,000-strong Kelihos botnet - 02:08
- Intel: current Thunderbolt ports will support optical cables - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Ambilight clone built from Arduino and ShiftBrite modules - 20:01
- Which resistor values should you order for all circumstances? - 19:01
- Sustainability Hacks: Solar battery/smartphone charger - 15:00
- Making a simple addressable array from LED strips - 12:44
- Running the Linux kernel on a DE0-nano FPGA board - 01:01
- CV Sequencer with a TV out - 00:01

Fairchild Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Ultralow Noise & Spurs 373MHz to 5.79GHz Integer-N Synthesizers with Integrated VCO Improve Syste... - 17:51

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Automotive Non-Synchronous Boost Controller - 07:51
- Oversampling Clock Generator for Game Consoles - 07:45
- Programmable Clock Synthesizer - 07:42