Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.09.2017

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: QNAP TS-453Bmini: NAS i náhrada desktopu - 02:00
- Japonsko chystá vlastní digitální měnu J-Coin - 19:06
- NetValve: regulujte své internetové připojení ventilem - 15:30
- Ani AMD, ani NVIDIA, ale Intel má dodávat hardware pro infotainment Tesly - 13:30
- USA a Rusko spojí síly pro vyslání lidí do hlubokého vesmíru - 12:50
- Přišla další gravitační vlna a nyní už víme odkud - 12:00
- AMD dle Digitimes uvede první 12nm Ryzeny už v únoru - 11:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Latest AMD hotfix driver brings support for Warhammer II and Forza Motorsport 7 - 23:30
- GoPro launches Hero6 Black action camera with new GP1 processor, yours for $499 - 22:30
- Snapchat now allows sponsored 3D World Lenses - 21:45
- Face ID may cause iPhone X shortages - 21:04
- SNES Classic teardown reveals why Nintendo discontinued the NES Classic - 20:15
- Firefox 56 now available with built-in screenshot utility - 19:58
- Equifax will soon be launching a lifetime credit data lock service for free - 19:15
- Just 5,000 Essential phones have been sold since launch? - 18:25
- Boeing challenges you to build a personal flying device with $1 million - 17:38
- Mark Zuckerberg defends Facebook against Trump's claims of bias - 16:58
- Which of these companies invented Ethernet? - 16:45
- Volition suffers layoffs after Agents of Mayhem's lackluster release - 15:45
- A single Tesla Powerpack unit has already saved an Australian town $1.5 million - 15:00
- A former Google engineer founded a religion that is developing an AI god - 14:00
- Nvidia boss: Moore's Law is dead, GPUs will soon replace CPUs - 13:15
- The Best Graphics Cards: Top GPU Choices for Every Budget - 09:13
- Amazon debuts second-gen Echo with smaller design, improved speakers, multi-room audio and more - 02:35
- Amazon announces Echo Spot smart alarm clock - 02:00
- Amazon unveils $69.99 Fire TV with 4K and HDR support - 01:15
- Comcast launches Xfinity Instant TV streaming service - 00:28

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Part Soldering Iron, Part Hand-Held Oscilloscope - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: Visioneer Sensor HUD - 20:30