Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.10.2011

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Introducing the Pigeon Post Project. - 23:31
- Warning! Loctite eats plastic - 21:30
- Another contribution: better CLI error messages - 21:30
- How Arduino got its start: a behind the scenes revelation - 19:20
- Filming fast R/C aircraft with a Hexacopter - 17:00
- Google to charge for Maps API calls. - 16:00
- BoardX: The Open Source Miniature Motherboard - 14:24
- Is a bicycle a UAV if a robot is riding it? - 11:07
- Some Bluetooth and Android sillyness... - 06:13
- Android Circuit Editor/Simulator App - 00:17 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS - Radek Hulán - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Víkendová diskuze: Nejlepší tiskárna? - 14:00
- Cooltek uvádí zdroje z Value Series - 02:20
- Kingston Europe představuje DataTraveler 109 - 02:14
- Dell si připravil nového zástupce notebookové řady XPS - 02:05
- BenQ připravuje business monitor BL2201PTE - 02:00
- TV monitory Acer M2 již brzy - 02:00
- Motorola Droid 4 nabídne velkou hardwarovou klávesnici - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Weekend game deals: Trick or treat! - 23:00
- Google takes Street View indoors with Business Photos - 22:00
- Google TV 2.0 announced with support for Android apps - 21:00
- Samsung overtakes Apple as world's top smartphone maker - 20:00
- Redbox raising DVD rental fees by 20 percent - 19:00
- FCC approves $4.5 billion 'Connect America' broadband fund - 18:00
- Microsoft starts bundling IE with Windows after anti-trust terms expire - 16:33
- Netflix represents 32.7% of North America's peak Web traffic - 15:30
- Battlefield 3 Benchmarked, GPU and CPU Performance Tested - 09:54
- BT given two weeks to block Newzbin2 website - 02:00
- HP won't sell its PC business after all - 01:00
- Chinese military suspected of hacking US satellites - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Halloween Hacks: Arc reactor costume - 23:01
- Motor drivers: half h-bridge with brake and more - 21:01
- The basics of reading data from resistive touchscreens - 20:01
- Detailed tutorial shows how to unleash your inner [Michael Knight] - 19:01
- Halloween Hacks: A light and music show fit for [Jack Skellington] - 18:01
- You probably do not have time to build this incredible Dead Space costume. - 17:01
- Hackaday Links: October 28th, 2011 - 16:01
- Pololu compatible relay driver - 15:01
- Crawling zombie is shockingly creepy - 01:01
- DIY thermostat keeps the harsh winter cold at bay - 00:01

Analog Devices - Mvorisek RSS
- ADA4940-2, Ultralow Power, Low Distortion ADC Driver - 16:25
- ADA4940-1, Ultralow Power, Low Distortion ADC Driver - 16:17
- ADMP441, Omnidirectional Microphone with Bottom Port and I2S Digital Output - 14:42
- AD5116, Single Channel, 64-Position, Push-Button, ±8% Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Pot... - 17:18

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Professional Seminar Series - 16:30