Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.10.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Zatímco ostatní padají, Apple roste. Táhnou ho iPhony a Macy - 22:00
- Crimson Storage: největší jednofázová baterie 350MW/1400MWh v provozu - 20:00
- NIO nakonec i v Evropě nabídne možnost koupit si auto bez předplatného - 16:30
- Microsoft: prodeje Windows a zisky klesají, naopak cloud nadále roste - 15:05
- AMD má chystat i levnější Ryzen 3 7300X se 4 jádry (aktualizováno) - 12:15
- Čína úspěšně vyzkoušela T-Flight, vlastní verzi vlaku podobného Hyperloopu - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Reflection DDoS attacks are on the rise again - 22:31
- Rode launches new gamer oriented products - 21:46
- Lego to discontinue Mindstorms robot line at the end of 2022 - 20:51
- Peer-to-Peer LAN transfers are coming to Steam - 20:16
- iPhone 15 Pro models could feature haptic solid-state volume and power buttons - 18:33
- Reddit user acquires decommissioned Netflix cache server, finds 36 hard drives inside - 17:05
- AMD Radeon RX 7000 flagship graphics card will reportedly come with 24 GB of VRAM - 15:55
- Apple resists tech industry slide thanks to strong Mac sales - 15:11
- Henry Cavill reveals how long he games each day, most-treasured geek possession - 13:55
- Taking stock on the decline of semiconductor stocks - 13:12
- Elon Musk finally takes control of Twitter, fires CEO and other execs - 12:15
- Steam's Big Picture Mode gets updated, available for testing - 01:27
- Game makers will soon be competing for preciously limited mobile storage space - 00:46

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Real Tractor Moonlights as Farming Simulator Controller - 22:00
- Mini Mars Rover Runs On Pi Pico W - 20:30