Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 28.12.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- NVIDIA uvádí verzi GTX 1060 s 5GB paměti - 14:00
- Rekapitulace procesorů 2017: Návrat AMD, protiúder Intelu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NASA se chce vydat k první exoplanetě v roce 2069 - 16:10
- DeepCool QuadStellar: když tři komory nestačí - 13:20
- Apple příští rok zpřístupní zdrojový kód počítače Lisa - 12:30
- Arecibo už opět pracuje a podívalo se na zdroj Geminid - 11:50
- Organizace chce výjimku v zákoně pro zachování starých online her - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Many websites are silently deploying anti-ad blocking measures - 23:23
- French environmental group files criminal complaint against Apple for 'planned obsolescence' - 22:47
- SoftBank buys major stake in Uber at a big discount - 22:17
- LED bulbs reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than half a billion tons in 2017 - 22:01
- Italian clothing company wins the right to use Steve Jobs' name - 21:13
- Amazon Fire TV update pulls YouTube support four days early - 20:29
- Apple to release source code for Lisa operating system in 2018 - 19:47
- Motorola, HTC say they don't throttle smartphone CPU performance based on battery age - 19:01
- LG's smart speaker comes with Google Assistant baked right in - 18:18
- Snapchat gets "A Look Back at 2017" memories feature - 17:37
- Some users are reporting battery problems with their Galaxy Note 8s - 16:54
- The World Health Organization could classify 'gaming disorder' as an official condition - 16:05
- These famous tech personalities are all college dropouts, except... - 15:39
- Apple rewards Tim Cook with $102 million payout, requests that he only travel on private jets - 15:07
- Developer makes his face disappear using the iPhone X - 14:11
- Huawei Mate 10 Review - 13:11
- China turns to WeChat for virtual state IDs - 12:15
- A Stroll Down Memory Lane: Best 3Dfx Glide Games - 04:43

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Ergonomic Keyboard Designed from the Ground Up - 22:00
- Hackaday Superconference Talk: Cory Grosser - 20:31