Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.01.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Rekapitulace kosmických startů v roce 2017: USA, Rusko, Evropa a další... - 14:00
- Intel hardwarově ošetří slabiny Meltdown a Spectre do konce roku - 12:00
- Qualcomm zaplatí 997 milionů eur za zneužití dominantní pozice na trhu - 10:00
- iOS 11.3 umožní deaktivovat zpomalování iPhonů - 08:00
- Větší snímač fotoaparátu není vždy výhodou a to ani po stránce šumu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Rocket Lab vypustili na orbitu The Humanity Star - 20:03
- Návrh zákona v USA bude zkoumat, zda jsou loot boxy hazard - 17:10
- Nissan představil autonomní papuče, které se samy uklidí - 16:45
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire přijde už 3. dubna - 16:30
- Google Clips: fotografy vytrénovaná AI kamera - 15:40
- WSJ: Intel varoval nejen čínské firmy před Meltdown a Spectre dříve než vládu USA - 14:50
- Pokřivený trh: externí grafiky jsou levnější než samostatné - 13:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple said to be working on three Macs with custom co-processors - 23:33
- Todd Rogers disgraced as world record Dragster score is discredited - 23:05
- Madden NFL 18 simulation predicts the Patriots will win Super Bowl LII - 22:31
- Final Fantasy XV's 'Pocket Edition' mobile port arrives February 9 - 22:02
- T-Mobile commits to 100 percent renewable energy by 2021 - 21:27
- The Boring Company's flamethrower fundraising campaign appears successful - 20:56
- Intel warned Chinese companies about CPU vulnerabilities before US government - 20:21
- Apple is reportedly slashing iPhone X production in half - 19:48
- Nvidia releases new driver for Metal Gear Survive and others - 19:28
- The Trump administration is reportedly considering a government-backed 5G network (updated) - 18:57
- Hong Kong to launch TV ad campaign warning people of cryptocurrency, ICO risks - 18:21
- Music streaming royalties for songwriters and publishers climb by more than 40 percent - 17:42
- MIT researchers create color-shifting, 3D-printed jewelry - 17:04
- This smog tower turns air pollution into jewelry - 16:35
- Amazon opens rainforest dome offices in Seattle - 15:54
- Microsoft releases emergency update to disable Intel's broken Spectre fix - 15:14
- In the 1930s, which of these countries built an analog computer that ran on water? - 14:50
- Fitness tracker reveals location of military bases, staff routines - 14:11
- Our favorite VPN is 25% off only until today - 13:46
- Discord shuts down group that shared AI-edited fake porn clips featuring celebrities' faces - 13:03
- Asus ROG Strix XG35VQ Review: 35-inch, 1440p, 100Hz, FreeSync - 12:08

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Repairs You Can Print: Take a deep breath thanks to a 3D printed fume extractor - 22:00
- 3D Printed Battery Pack Keeps Old Drill Spinning - 20:30

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Triple Output, Buck/Buck/Boost Synchronous DC/DC Controller Operates up to 2.25MHz in Automotive ... - 17:00