Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.03.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- First in the World Graffiti Drone (Part 1) - 12:30
- Coax Helicopter Drone - 11:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- ASRock vydal čtyři Radeony, jako jeden z mála přetaktoval i paměti - 11:00
- Hardwarové nároky VIVE Pro stouply, HTC doporučuje Vegu 56 nebo GTX 1070 - 08:00
- Jaké GPU pro Far Cry 5? - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Robotický exoskeleton pomůže lyžařům zůstat na svahu déle - 18:15
- Rozptýlená galaxie NGC1052–DF2 zřejmě postrádá temnou hmotu - 16:30
- V neděli začnou platit pravidla pro "multimediální roaming" - 14:40
- Další problém pro Intel? Vedle Spectre a Meltdown je tu BranchScope - 13:50
- NASA opět odložila start Vesmírného teleskopu Jamese Webba - 13:00
- TweakTown: příští GeForce přijdou v rámci série GTX 11, ne GTX 20 - 10:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Erotica writers are finding their work stripped of rankings after Kindle policy change - 23:44
- Facebook executives lay out their plan to protect US election integrity in the future - 23:02
- Intel 'Hades Canyon' gaming NUC with built-in Radeon graphics: first reviews are out - 22:11
- Watch this 77 pound robot tow a 9,000 pound trailer - 21:32
- iOS 11.3 arrives today with a performance throttling toggle, new Animojis and improved ARKit func... - 21:02
- Verizon could launch a Palm-branded smartphone this year - 20:31
- No Man's Sky devs say its 'NEXT' update will be the largest so far - 19:43
- Snap trims 100 employees, this time from its advertising division - 19:08
- Windows chief Terry Myerson is leaving Microsoft amid broad reorganization - 18:32
- Canon goes head-to-head with RED, unveils its first full-frame cinema camera - 18:01
- This smartwatch is perfect for lovers of inspirational quotes - 17:24
- GoPro launches new entry-level Hero camera for $199 - 16:42
- Uber reaches settlement with family of woman killed by its self-driving vehicle - 15:55
- ASRock enters graphics card market with Radeon-based Phantom Gaming lineup - 14:58
- NTSB launches investigation into Tesla and autopilot system following fatal crash - 14:03
- Amazon value drops $53 billion following report that Trump is "obsessed" with the company - 13:05
- Cambridge Analytics data still available online despite claims they destroyed it - 03:45
- Hitman Sniper will be free until April 4 - 01:16
- Apple CEO Tim Cook believes Facebook should have regulated itself - 00:12

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- HairIO: An Interactive Extension of the Self - 22:00
- A High Speed, Infinite Volume 3D Printer - 20:30