Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.06.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Test: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 vs 8 procesorů - 14:00
- Intel pošle Core i9 i do standardního desktopu - 12:00
- Shuttle DH02U s GTX 1050 v objemu pouze 1.3 litru - 10:00
- Precizní a uzavíratelná 3D tiskárna za poloviční cenu! Stihněte poslední kusy - 09:00
- 32jádrový Threadripper 2990X by mohl stát pod $2000 - 08:00
- Prototyp Nvidia Turing vypadá na 600-700mm² čip - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Makibes HR3 – stylový a levný chytrý náramek - 06:00
- Recenze levného čínského projektoru Vivibright GP100 - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NVIDIA představí nové GeForce na Gamescomu - 16:00
- Intel 10 nm: 2,7násobek tranzistorů v porovnání se 14nm procesem - 15:20
- Razer představil opto-mechanickou klávesnici Huntsman Elite - 14:02
- Star Citizen Alfa 3.2 je za dveřmi s podporou těžby - 12:00
- Gigabyte očekává propad dodávek svých grafik o 20 procent - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- 1,000-player battle-royale? Mavericks: Proving Grounds says 'yes' - 23:00
- Apple's effort to fix Maps is over four years in the making - 21:47
- ISS crew members will soon be joined by a floating, autonomous robot helper named 'CIMON' - 20:55
- YouTube is addressing clickbait thumbnails and content creators aren't amused - 20:06
- Google is quietly testing an incident reporting feature for Google Maps - 19:25
- Motorola One line likely to debut at August launch event - 18:39
- Verizon is shutting down ill-fated mobile video platform Go90 - 17:21
- Shenmue III minimum requirements revealed: a low-end PC with plenty of storage space - 16:15
- Samsung is putting a lot of tech into kitchens whether you like it or not - 15:40
- Segway announces its motorized, self-balancing e-skates - 14:59
- Most Americans believe social media sites censor political views - 14:03
- Samsung Messages glitch could be sending your photos to random contacts - 13:07
- Exactis exposed 340 million personal records to the internet - 03:54
- Google may be working on a gaming platform to rival Xbox and PlayStation - 01:05
- Oculus to pay $250 million in infringement case, but it's a win - 00:22

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- R/C Rocket-Beest Burns Up Fuses Out There Alone - 22:00
- xLIDAR Is A Merry-Go-Round Of Time-Of-Flight Sensors - 20:30