Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.07.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Swarming with Solos and ROS - 08:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Fotobanka Getty Images čelí miliardové žalobě - 15:45
- Apple ztrácí podíl na trhu s telefony, Samsung, Huawei, OPPO a vivo získávají - 13:30
- Vulkan Next zaměří pozornost na virtuální realitu - 11:00
- Apple prodal 1 miliardu iPhonů - 08:30
- Známe oficiální specifikace Radeonu RX 460 a RX 470 - 06:00
- Xiaomi Mi Notebook přichází ve dvou variantách - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Australský robot postaví dům z cihel za dva dny - 23:40
- Profesionální grafické karty AMD Radeon Pro WX s Polarisem - 15:00
- Protézy vyrobené 3D tiskem pomohou lidem v oblastech postižených válkou - 14:35
- Ford a MIT testují autonomní "taxíky" v kampusu univerzity - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- UberCentral lets businesses book and pay for their customers' rides - 23:30
- Mysterious "Top Secret: Project Goldfinger" sign spotted in Tesla factory - 22:45
- Verizon launches premium tech support service for all your connected devices - 22:00
- New Mankind Divided trailer asks public: How do you pronounce "Deus Ex?" - 21:00
- Here's how much play space you'll need for PlayStation VR - 20:00
- China will soon legalize ride-hailing services like Uber and Didi Chuxing - 19:00
- 'The Oregon Trail' card game is a thing - 18:00
- IDC report shows Samsung continues to dominate as global smartphone sales stagnate - 17:15
- Doom's first premium DLC won't divide the user base - 16:30
- The Windows 10 free upgrade offer has ended, along with annoying nags - 15:30
- Microsoft is cutting another 2850 jobs from its phone business and sales force - 14:30
- Amazon turns in another record quarter, its third in as many tries - 13:15
- AMD announces the Radeon RX 470 and RX 460 - 06:00
- Nvidia to pay each GTX 970 owner $30 over memory controversy - 03:00
- Parents are naming their babies after Pokémon Go characters - 02:00
- Valve launches first-ever Steam VR Weekend Sale - 01:15
- Apple Car project reportedly shifting focus to self-driving software - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Fail of the Week: Magnetic Flow Measurement Gone Wrong - 22:00
- The Problem with Software Defined Radio - 20:31