Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.09.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- AI-powered drone inspections unveiled by Aerialtronics, Neurala and NVIDIA - 22:00
- WestCoastUAV at the 2016 UAV Challenge - short write up - 11:30
- PX4-based "aggressive quadcopter" navigates gaps with pure autonomy - 07:00 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Blackberry končí s vývojem mobilních telefonů - 18:00
- GeForce GTX 1050 bude existovat ve dvou verzích: s Ti i bez - 15:30
- Právník hrozí Pirátům exekucí, pokud z cizího webu nesmažou obrázek LEGO panáčka - 13:00
- Vyšlo desktopové prostředí MATE 1.16 - 10:30
- Apple zvažuje osazení Zen APU do MacBook Pro - 08:00
- Na trh míří nová Nokia 216 Single i Dual SIM - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Největší IT firmy vytvořily partnerství kolem vývoje umělé inteligence - 16:30
- D-Wave už má kvantový počítač se 2048 quibity - 16:05
- NVIDIA Xavier: AI superpočítač s GPU Volta - 15:18
- USB-IF oznamuje USB Audio, náhradu za jacky - 14:48
- Samsung o budoucnosti SSD: NVMe pošle HDD k ledu - 14:13
- NZXT S340 Elite: skříň myslící i na VR - 13:15
- Samsungu vybuchují i pračky a nepotřebují k tomu Note 7 - 12:14
- GeForce GTX 1080 Ti přijde s 10,8 TFLOPS a 12 GB paměti - 11:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Spotify finally arrives in Japan but will the CD-loving locals care? - 23:30
- FCC delays vote on set-top box proposal, says it needs more time - 22:45
- Set your sights on a software testing career with the Ultimate Software Testing Bundle - 22:15
- Raspberry Pi's most popular operating system gets a visual overhaul - 21:15
- Security group claims Yahoo hack was not "state-sponsored" - 20:30
- Best Buy to host PlayStation VR midnight launch events at 350 stores - 19:45
- Google, Facebook, Microsoft and others form alliance to increase public awareness of AI - 18:45
- Facebook's next F8 developer conference will take place in April in San Jose - 18:00
- HP 'apologizes' for blocking third-party ink cartridges in its printers, fix on the way - 17:15
- This iPhone 7 case brings back the 3.5mm headphone jack - 16:15
- Huawei Mate 9 images leak with two cameras, up to 256 GB of storage - 15:15
- Check out Zuckerberg's photos of Facebook's advanced Arctic data center - 14:15
- Oh My... Consumer Product Safety Commission issues warning over 'exploding' Samsung washing machines - 13:15
- Enthusiast Culture: The most memorable overclocking-friendly CPUs - 08:28
- Three apps to combine all your messaging clients into one - 07:00
- Nvidia unveils Xavier SoC for next-gen Drive PX systems - 03:15
- Spotify reportedly in late-stage talks to acquire SoundCloud - 02:15
- No Man's Sky developer being investigated for false advertising - 01:15
- New MacBook Pros arriving in the second half of October - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Boombox Doorjam Plays Your Theme Song When You Step in the Ring - 22:00
- Hallucinating Machines Generate Tiny Video Clips - 22:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Stepper Motor Driver with PWM Constant-Current Control - 08:12
- Electronic Fuse - 08:04
- Ultra-Low Capacitance ESD Protection - 08:03
- MOSFET Power Module, 40 V, 30 A - 08:02
- Optical Image Stabilization/ Auto Focus Controller & Driver - 07:58
- Motor Driver, 3-pahse, PWM, Full-Wave, BLDC - 07:56
- IGBT Gate Drivers, High-Current, Stand-Alone - 07:54
- I2C CMOS EEPROM Memory - 07:43
- Interline Transfer CCD Image Sensor, 8.1 MP - 07:21
- P-Ch Power MOSFETs for Automotive, -40 V to -60 V - 07:18
- Power MOSFET, Dual N-Channel, 20 V, 6 A - 07:09
- Schottky Barrier Diode, 100 V - 07:07
- Programmable DC-DC Converter, ±5 V - 07:00
- Audio Signal Processor with USB Host Controller - 06:57
- Current Mode Resonant Controller with Integrated High Voltage Drivers - 06:56

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Gold Care Service Plan, Datasheet - 16:30
- SignalVu-PC-SVE Vector Signal Analysis Software, Datasheet - 16:30
- RSA306B USB Real Time Spectrum Analyzer - 16:30
- RSA603A, RSA607A Laboratory Spectrum Analyzer Datasheet - 16:30
- RSA500A Series Portable Spectrum Analyzer Datasheet - 16:30