Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.11.2021

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NordicTrack znemožnil zákazníkům instalovat si aplikace na běžecké pásy - 16:10
- Hrozba zavlečení cizích organismů na Zemi je dle výzkumníků reálná - 15:30
- GeForce Lovelace mají být alespoň o 10 % dražší, bude to ale vůbec vadit? - 15:05
- Sapphire GPRO X080 a X060: moderní Navi 20 jen pro těžbu - 13:35
- TSMC svěří jiným firmám své méně výdělečné pokročilé technologie pouzdření - 13:08
- Regulátoři váhají nad akvizicí Armu, NVIDIA může přijít o 1,25 mld. dolarů - 12:15

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Less than two-weeks later, Miami rolls back its ban on shared electric scooters - 23:59
- Company of Heroes 3 multiplayer pre-alpha launches tomorrow - 23:31
- Someone just paid more than $650,000 for a yacht that only exists in the metaverse - 21:50
- Halo Infinite console players want cross-play turned off as rampant cheating is spoiling multipla... - 21:16
- Epic CEO wants "a single store that works with all platforms" - 20:44
- Chipmakers are expected to spend $146 billion on capacity expansions this year - 20:12
- Intel is collecting legacy hardware for security research - 19:38
- Xiaomi to produce 300,000 EVs a year in new Beijing factory starting in 2024 - 19:05
- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey steps down, replaced by CTO Parag Agrawal effective immediately - 17:12
- Australia's defamation laws could reveal social media trolls' identities - 16:51
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has been fully recreated in C code - 16:17
- Valve is working on a new Half-Life game for the Steam Deck, but that's no Half-Life 3 - 15:06
- Black Friday online sales were down this year, but retailers needn't worry - 14:21
- EU tech firms file formal complaint against Microsoft for bundling OneDrive with Windows - 13:22
- Only the best Cyber Monday deals, as handpicked by TechSpot's staff - 13:13
- Crypto miners blamed for Kazakhstan energy crisis - 12:55
- The Best Phones for Every Budget - 12:04
- Steam hits its highest-ever concurrent player count; top-seller Cyberpunk 2077 gains 'Very Positi... - 11:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Scrolling Name Badge Is Sure to Break the Ice - 22:00
- Spatial AI and CV Hack Chat - 21:01
- Detect Starlink Satellites Passing By - 20:00