Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 29.12.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Pelican Case for Iris+ - 01:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Nejste v tom sami. Facebook dnes zlobí půlce Evropy - 15:05
- Super-rychlý internet po běžném kabelovém rozvodu. První test DOCSIS 3.1 - 08:58
- Četníci s letadly zasahovali proti německým narušitelům. Mnohdy marně - 00:00
- Tady možná vyrobí i vašeho nového kolegu. Do klece nebude muset - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Zvolili jste nejlepší hru roku 2015. My také - 12:00
- Rekapitulace: pevné, flashové i jiné disky v roce 2015 i 2016 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Sapphire Nitro R9 380X 4G: vlk v rouše beránka - 01:00
- Plextor chystá SSD M8Pe a útok na Samsung - 14:08
- Osm nových Skylake a Broadwell, dva asi nemají iGPU - 13:45
- Týdenní šance s Intelem (28.12. - 3.1.) - 12:30
- Firefox OS patří i na routery, Raspberry Pi, HDMI tyčky a další - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Spotify fields $150 million class-action lawsuit over unpaid royalties - 23:45
- Intel completes $16.7 billion Altera acquisition, Xeon/FPGA combo chips set for release in 2016 - 22:45
- Ford patents a Batpod-like feature for your car - 21:45
- Win a brand new Microsoft Surface Book from the TechSpot Store - 21:30
- Plextor to showcase NVMe-equipped M8Pe solid state drive at CES - 20:30
- BMW's AirTouch system lets you operate a car's touchscreen without making contact with it - 19:45
- 2016 might see Samsung Pay expand into online payments and compete with the likes of PayPal - 19:00
- Seabin is the innovative water pollution solution for marinas, docks and yacht clubs - 18:15
- Verizon joins the rest of the world, will give you up to $650 if you switch from another carrier - 17:30
- Final Fantasy's Lightning is Louis Vuitton's new top model - 16:45
- New York gets first of 7,500 planned free Wi-Fi hubs - 15:45
- Intel releases a collection of new Skylake and Broadwell CPUs - 14:45
- Microsoft working on a "breakthrough" smartphone, strongly hints that it's the Surface Phone - 14:00
- Apple wins the holidays with nearly half of all new device activations - 13:30
- Revised Google Glass spied in FCC filing - 00:15