Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.01.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- DIY Drones at 34,000 members - 23:18
- Old History with new twists: lessons from world war two for drone cargo concepts - 22:00
- Go Pro 3 - Powered by Sony Sensor - 12:00
- Video: Scary Hexa Crash in Brazil Stadium - 10:30
- Display RSSI with ArduCAM OSD - 10:22
- ARGUS Cam - 07:30
- Old Fogey In Coroplast - 06:30
- DroneCafe - Episode 6 - DIY Heli - 05:30
- Autonomous gas powered heavy lift quadcopter we are calling HLQ - 02:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- KVIK: Na YouTube budou i placená videa, Cisco kupuje český startup - 13:39
- Google ukazuje severokorejské vládní komplexy už i na mapách - 11:35
- CASA uletí méně než bombardér z 2. světové války a stále se neubrání - 00:00
- Írán znovu vyslal do vesmíru opici. Prý přežila - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Lucy Koh zamítla další žádost Applu, tentokrát chtěl vyšší odškodnění - 00:00
- Dva zlaté zdroje řady PC Power & Cooling Silencer Mk III míří na trh - 00:00
- První testy Haswellu ukazují 2% náskok před Ivy Bridge - 00:00
- Sigmu zaujal Josef Sudek, nafotila galerii DP3 Merrill v Praze - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: Dell S2340L: ideální levné IPS? - 01:00
- Asus si připravil dotykové notebooky VivoBook - 16:00
- Panasonic si připravil nové dálkově ovládané IP kamery - 11:20
- Cooler Master nabídne stojan a pouzdro v jednom pro iPad mini - 10:30
- Apple uvádí nový iPad se 128 GB paměti - 10:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple is awarded a trademark for their retail store design - 23:00
- Catalyst 13.2 beta brings 15% boost in Crysis 3, latency improvements - 22:00
- Fanless barebones PC from Foxconn lands at Newegg for $250 - 21:00
- Google Giving donates 15,000 Raspberry Pi computers to children - 20:00
- RIM renames itself BlackBerry, launches BB10 and all-touch Z10 smartphone - 19:00
- Wednesday tech deals: 500GB external WD HDD $35, 1TB $55 - 18:30
- Netflix is getting into original content, aiming for five new shows a year - 17:30
- Lenovo challenges PC market trends with record quarter - 16:30
- Japan to broadcast 4K UHDTV in 2014, 8K as early as 2016 - 15:30
- Amazon Q4 results: revenue up 22% but profit slips 45% - 14:30
- Philips quits consumer electronics after 80+ years - 13:30
- TechSpot's Most Anticipated PC Games of 2013 - 02:45
- Acer chief hints at low-cost, quad-core slates later this year - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Feedback for automated water and food pet dispensers - 23:01
- HDD POV clock takes the best from those that came before it - 22:01
- 3d printed hexapod robot - 21:01
- Modulator box connects iPod to Tesla coil - 19:53
- Really, really geeky wedding invitations - 18:01
- Controlling a Raspberry Pi with real life redstone - 17:00
- Mr. Tea is a hot plate and magnetic stirrer in the same enclosure - 16:01
- Automated Doors for Theatre Effect - 15:01
- Finding the cheapest board house - 14:01
- Ask Hackaday: What’s an easy way to build a potentiometer for a soldering iron? - 13:01
- MIT Media Lab’s month in Shenzhen - 12:01

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS