Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.01.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Wine 4.0 přichází se základní podporou Direct3D 12 - 16:00
- ASRock vydává Mini-STX platformu s deskou pro AM4 - 12:00
- Hynix: DDR5 v roce 2020, DDR6 v roce 2025 - 08:00
- Intel: Výtěžnost 10nm Ice Lake nesdělíme. Vydáme ho koncem roku, i pro desktop - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Firefox 65 podporuje kodek AV1, WebP a zlepšuje kontrolu soukromí - 21:20
- Desktopový Xeon W s 28 jádry je na trhu za 2999 USD - 17:50
- Na MIT vytvořili laser, který nám může "šeptat" do ucha - 17:30
- Dvě soukromé čínské firmy letos poletí do vesmíru, Izraelci zase brzy na Měsíc - 16:50
- Exodus vydavatelů ze Steamu vzbuzuje naděje na Half-Life 3 - 16:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple Music subscribers will be able to stream music for free on American Airlines - 23:33
- Google Chrome will soon warn you about look-alike URLs - 22:52
- Xbox One users found their consoles temporarily bricked this morning - 22:15
- Meizu turns to crowdfunding platform IndieGoGo to sell its 'holeless' Zero smartphone - 21:45
- iRobot announces the Terra robotic mower launching in 2019 - 21:03
- Americans received 26.3 billion robocalls in 2018 - 20:13
- NASA is preparing to test an asteroid defense system - 19:31
- 10+ Tools for Finding and Deleting Duplicate Files on Windows - 19:05
- Final Fantasy VII mod uses AI neural network to boost graphics quality - 18:06
- Resident Evil 2 remake DLC arrives in February - 17:21
- PC Building Simulator exits Steam Early Access, adds Nvidia hardware - 15:16
- Samsung debuts 1TB flash storage chips for mobile devices - 14:32
- Apple warned about FaceTime bug over a week ago, gets sued - 13:55
- Facebook has been paying people $20 per month for complete access to their phones - 13:02
- Mayhem is a machine that can automatically detect, exploit, and patch cybersecurity vulnerabilities - 12:04
- DTS:X surround sound, Dolby Atmos upgrades arrive on Windows 10 soon - 11:25
- MMA and AMEI announce MIDI 2.0 prototyping has begun - 02:20
- Firefox 65 wants to give you more control over your internet privacy - 00:27