Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.04.2011

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Quadrocopter's third flight with the GoPro - 22:30
- AVC 2011 Tobor recap - 22:00
- How the land changes as we repeat mapping during the year - 21:30
- Charming story of building an aircraft launcher - 19:25
- My seconds twin boom attempt - 15:20
- First round of frame modifications! - 11:00
- MQ9 build log part-4 - 10:00
- My stuff have arrived! - 09:00
- Arduino wants to eat pizza and get high on quadcopter. - 08:00
- Start as you mean to go on -- The Coptermatic Chronicle Part 1 - 06:30
- Riding wheelies with my Arduino Wheelie controller! - 04:30 - Digi a věda - Mvorisek RSS
- SOCOM nabízí šestidenní výlet do Malajsie s jednotkami NATO - 15:54
- Redaktor HN hodnotí Smartbook AC100 od Toshiby - 15:02
- Samsung v kufru - kompletní příslušenství ke Galaxy Tab - 13:57
- Dětský tablet za tisíc korun nás příliš nenadchnul - 12:46
- Nejlepší 3D - 11:49 - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- News Corp wants to sell Myspace for $100 million - 18:12
- Weekend Open Forum: The most 'evil' tech company? - 07:57
- Sony faces class action lawsuit for PSN fiasco - 02:12
- Logitech sees Google TV sales plummet to just $5 million - 00:54
- TomTom apologizes for helping police catch speeders - 00:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hackaday Links: Saturday, April 30th - 18:01
- Help identify this vintage electronics component - 15:43