Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 30.05.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- How LiPo Batteries are made (with Pictures and Videos) - 23:14
- The Brown one is 3000Mah, the white one is 4000Mah - 18:30
- More 433 MHz antenna - the 1/2wave Ring Radiator - 18:15
- Another APM Clone but in smaller size (35mm x 35mm) - 06:00
- New Product - Super Bright LED lights - 05:00
- Drones Are Fun an informational resource for everybody interested in UAVs, especially for persona... - 02:25
- Dipole style antenna for 433MHz - 00:06 - Mvorisek RSS
- CP2104-MINIEK - USB-UART Mini Evaluation Kit - 06:14
- Fotovoltaický střídač s integrovaným akumulátorem - 05:01
- Transformátor klasický nebo "elektronický"? - 06:51 - Mvorisek RSS
- Google nabízí formulář, který dá zapomenout na vaše hříchy minulosti - 13:13
- U LG se zbláznili, chystají tak jemný displej, že to bude zbytečné - 12:06
- Místo trampolíny budou z USA létat kosmonauti se soukromou společností - 11:11
- Programy zdarma: soukromé cloudové úložiště či programy bez instalace - 00:00
- Dodnes nevíme, jak husiti stavěli vozovou hradbu. Záhada bitvy u Lipan - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Chytré hodinky chystá i Microsoft, zřejmě s Windows - 14:30
- GeForce GT 740: Kepler bez boostu aneb přetaktovaná GT 640 - 12:15
- ULP chladič Kodati od Scythe dostanete i do nejmenších skříní - 09:45
- Dokončení testu AMD A10-7850K: výkon GPU a provozní vlastnosti - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak se epapír přestal bát o svou existenci a objevil nová využití - 17:00
- Soutěžte s AMD a Gigabyte o PC sestavu společnosti COMFOR - 10:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft smartwatch will be filled with sensors, compatible with Android and iOS - 23:45
- Weekend game deals: Fallout: New Vegas $5, GTA IV Complete $7.50, Skyrim $10, Thief $25, BF3 free - 22:53
- Samsung firmware update brings Tizen to original Galaxy Gear smartwatch - 22:15
- Moto X Texas assembly plant to close by end of 2014 - 21:30
- Oculus VR is helping Samsung build a media-focused virtual reality headset - 20:45
- Here's how users can exercise their 'Right To Be Forgotten' on Google - 20:00
- Shock-resistant Samsung Galaxy S5 Active now available through AT&T - 19:15
- Sensibo wants to make any air conditioner smart and bring down your electricity bill - 18:45
- Here's what the new Unreal Tournament game looks like after just three weeks of development - 18:00
- Amazon to introduce Prime music streaming service as early as next month - 14:00
- PlayStation 4 Six Months Later: Getting There - 05:19
- Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer agrees to buy Los Angeles Clippers for $2 billion - 04:30
- Beats to remain available on HP computers, Android and Windows Phone - 01:30
- Deutsche Telekom has agreed to sell T-Mobile USA to SoftBank, report claims - 00:45
- San Francisco police using GPS-tracked 'bait bikes' to lure thieves - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Using Pulleys and Weights to Explain Binary Logic Gates - 22:00
- Robot-Army IRL Plus a Massive Build Log - 19:01

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Marcel Way - Mvorisek RSS
- It’s All a Package - 11:06